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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: T4 mono blue emrakul win Submitted By: gericault5
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Instant 1U 6th Edition, Rare

Cemetery Puca
Creature - Shapeshifter 1(U/B)(U/B) 1/2 Shadowmoor, Rare

Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
Legendary Creature - Eldrazi 15 15/15 Rise of the Eldrazi, Mythic
Estimated Combo Cost: $21.99
Date Posted: Wed Feb/02/11 at 9:52 am

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

T3 puca into play

T4 flash in emrakul, sac it, pay the 1 for puca to become a copy of emrukel, attack
Date Posted: Wed Feb/02/11 at 10:21am

Posts: 98
Joined: 28-Apr-10

sweet.... thats awesome. and with a little excel it could go off much earlier... T1 dark rit and pucca. T2 flash in the emkrkl (assuming you had
played a mox of any kind or any type of lotus).
Date Posted: Wed Feb/02/11 at 11:08am

Posts: 10194
Joined: 26-Oct-09

Dark Ritual would make this definitely worthwhile. It would allow the combo to go off turn 2.
Date Posted: Wed Feb/02/11 at 3:37pm

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

yes you can add the 2 cards to make it turn 2, but then you need to have 5 cards in your starting hand to win, and as you know the more cards you need the less likely you are to have them all in hand at once.

Don't get me wrong I am not trying to critize the suggestions given as they are valid and will speed up the combo.  It's just I personally prefer to have a consistant 95% gurantee turn 4 win, then random 12% chance of a turn 2 win.  In that sense cards like mystical tutor, vampiric and diabolic tutor are much better options then the rit and a mox
Date Posted: Wed Feb/02/11 at 4:42pm

Posts: 1148
Joined: 24-May-10

Flash!! Ahh Ahh!!!
Date Posted: Wed Feb/02/11 at 10:20pm

Posts: 25
Joined: 20-Oct-10

Instead of Flash, Entomb would work as well, wouldn't it?

EDIT: after re-reading the rules for Puka, no it wouldn't

[Edited by strikerbolt on 2/Feb/11 at 10:29PM]
Date Posted: Thu Feb/03/11 at 11:26am

Posts: 10194
Joined: 26-Oct-09

Well, you can put Dark Ritual in the deck as it can give you either a turn or 2 earlier "going off".
Date Posted: Thu Feb/03/11 at 12:41pm

Posts: 913
Joined: 18-Jun-09


Haha, Classic!

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