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Title: Academic doesn't get it
Date Posted: Tue Apr/23/13 at 4:49pm

Posts: 1370
Joined: 30-Nov-11

Just to explain the main difference using Orochi Leafcaller / Freed from the Real on a creature which provides [at least u and additional mana] or [at least g and additional mana] and a creature which provides only [g] mana.

Why don't you find a combo where Orochi Leafcaller is in play and the Freed from the Real is enchanted to Llanowar Elves? Simply, you just would get 'infinite' tap and untap of the Elves instead of floating mana which did not lead to a benefit so far.

There may be some academic combos in conjunction with Quest for Renewal, Wake Thrasher or  Judge of Currents/Runed Stalactite, but most of the combos posted have in common that the Freed from the Real enchants a creature which generates g or u and more than 1 additional mana  or some g mana. This leads to 'infinite' mana, sometimes of the color of your choice.

Here, with DGM, we got a creature which provides g for tapping and triggers 1 damage for all opponents when tapped for mana.

So it makes sense now just to add an untap mechanism to utilize this card for a win condition. Untapping this Zhur-Taa Druid can be done in several ways (see my other posts titled Zhur-Taa Druid x). Leafcaller/Freed in conjunction with a mana creature which provides more than g mana is different than Leafcaller/Freed in conjunction with a mana creature which provides only one g mana.

Yes, sometimes it's hard to get these details of the game, hopefully I could lecture IT a little and provide some insight of the game details!-) 
Date Posted: Tue Apr/23/13 at 5:29pm

Posts: 1305
Joined: 29-Mar-12

God, you are really spazzing out. :D
Date Posted: Tue Apr/23/13 at 5:41pm

Posts: 1370
Joined: 30-Nov-11

Oh no, don't call me God, knarf is sufficient even if my MTG skills are beyond that what you could understand!-)

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