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Title: Porphyry Nodes
Date Posted: Sat Jun/23/12 at 12:46am

Posts: 327
Joined: 01-Feb-10

Just need some clarity on this. The official ruling on doesn't mention it.

If multiple Porphyry Nodes are in play, how do they trigger?
Would one trigger to destroy the 1/1 critter, then the 2nd one triggers to kill the larger 3/3 critter, and so forth?
Or, would they each be forced to target the same 1/1 critter, essentially making multiple Nodes redundant?
Date Posted: Sat Jun/23/12 at 1:33am

Posts: 1305
Joined: 29-Mar-12

First scenario. You would choose which fires first, second, third or fourth on the stack. The first would target the lowest creature at the time. After it resolves, the second on the stack would target the newly-crowned weakest creature, and so on.
Date Posted: Sat Jun/23/12 at 10:32pm

lin sivvi
Posts: 1608
Joined: 14-Jan-10

You would pick the order in which they would trigger, then they would resolve in the reverse order, because Drop of Honey does not target, the creature is determined during the resolution of the effect. As a result you would destroy the weakest, then the next too.

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