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Title: Casual Bant Planeswalkers
Deck Name: Casual Bant Planeswalkers Submitted By: dracojai6C4mtg
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Date Posted: Mon Jul/14/14 at 3:31pm

Posts: 22
Joined: 17-Dec-13

Looking at M15, I'm thinking of trying to run a casual bant planeswalker deck, using mostly ajani, garruk, and jace. Thoughts?
Date Posted: Tue Jul/15/14 at 3:09am

Posts: 1370
Joined: 30-Nov-11

Seems to go infinite!-D
Date Posted: Tue Jul/15/14 at 10:22am

Posts: 22
Joined: 17-Dec-13

I suppose, but not really what I was thinking...
Date Posted: Wed Jul/16/14 at 8:20pm

Posts: 1553
Joined: 02-Nov-11

I'd recommend Soul of New Phyrexia with Nevinyrral's Disk. Whenever you feel the need you can wipe the opponents' boards for 6 mana. That should give you more than enough time to get the right mana you need to cast the planeswalkers you desire.
Date Posted: Sat Jul/19/14 at 2:29pm

Posts: 1148
Joined: 24-May-10

Man, I don't know. You'd better be running some ramp to get the Soul and Disk out earlier than turn 6. then set it of turn 7. That's a lot of turns for your opponent.
Date Posted: Sun Jul/20/14 at 9:24am

Posts: 636
Joined: 24-Mar-13

12-post/16-post with color fixers like Chromatic Lantern could do the job of both powering out the soul/disk combo and allowing you to run pretty much any walker you wanted.
Date Posted: Sun Jul/20/14 at 9:15pm

Posts: 1553
Joined: 02-Nov-11

it is also a lot of turns for you. Guard Gomazoa and Fog Bank are beautiful Blue chump blockers that can be dropped early. Silence too.
Also Sedge Scorpion, Wasteland Viper and Ambush Viper are quick green deathtouch creatures that can waylay your opponent. Also see Spore Frog and Fog.
White has great stall tactics such as Ghostly Prison, Orim's Chant, Cancel, Riot Control(3 cmc, but amazing), Peace Talks, Moment of Silence, Holy Day (the white Fog), Spirit Link (NOT Lifelink), Swords to plowshares, Path to Exile, Condemn, Exile, and of course Pacifism and its like.

If it is ramp that you are looking for:
Energy Chamber+Everflowing Chalice
Mana Bloom
Llanowar Elves
Elvish Mystic
Birds of Paradise
Lotus Cobra
Heartbeat of Spring
Elvish Spirit Guide

Sure, Jace is between 3-4 cmc, but Garruk (at least with the colors you are running has 4-6 cmc, while Ajani has anywhere from 3-5 cmc. If you want all of them on the battlefield, you must also keep in mind that each of them requires either two particular mana colors to cast.
Date Posted: Fri Aug/22/14 at 10:29pm

Posts: 1073
Joined: 07-May-10

nevinryals disk with elspeth knight errant final ability is pretty mean... board wipe... except your stuff or you can substitute elspeth for avacyn or indestructability on a land... and something like darksteel ingot
edit: also note... enchanted evening or mycosynth lattice with above works nice... or add fracturing gust or any mass enchantment/artifact killer

[Edited by Draco_lich on 22/Aug/14 at 10:33PM]
Date Posted: Wed Sep/10/14 at 7:16am

Posts: 5
Joined: 10-Sep-14

Since you plan on running Ajani, maybe you can add Curse of Exhaustion so for 4 mana, it'll slow your opponent down and give you the time you need to get the mana to bring out your other Planeswalkers or anything else you have.

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