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Deck Name: Dark Ordeal Submitted By: terakhan
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Date Posted: Fri Mar/21/14 at 9:06 am

Posts: 636
Joined: 24-Mar-13

First off, the Oona's Prowlers are supposed to be Oona's Blackguard:

Another old card not in the database for some reason.

Anyway, the drive of this deck is just a straight agro deck, with utility pushing it to be stronger:

-The Ordeals making their enchanted creatures stronger until they detonate.

-The Blackguards taking out your opponent's hand while you keep up the pressure.

-The Curse of Stalked Prey making all of your creatures 'vampires' a la Innistrad's red blood-sucker collection.

Date Posted: Mon Mar/24/14 at 10:25am

Posts: 1553
Joined: 02-Nov-11

With all the discard, why not run Megrim/Liliana's Caress? Also, I'd trade a Spark bolt for the last Lightning Bolt that you are missing. Late game your Ordeals of Purphoros are going to be slow Volcanic Hammers and since you aren't running any Thunderous Wraths, I don't see why you wouldn't swap the remaining Spark Bolts for the Caresses.
Date Posted: Mon Mar/24/14 at 1:37pm

Posts: 636
Joined: 24-Mar-13

Considering how little land it does need, I am looking at the retrace spells from Lorwyn block, as well as Pack Rat to toss out useless/weak cards I may draw.
Date Posted: Mon Mar/24/14 at 3:26pm

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

I don't see why you wouldn't swap the remaining Spark Bolts for the Caresses:
Because caress becomes a dead card once in top deck mode. Though I do agree with switching the spark bolts, I would go with Browbeat, you'll burn through your hand quickly which the beat will replenish and with the discard to your opponent its massive CA, not to mention if they don't let you draw it still falls within your strategy

only retrace cards that will be any use to you are flame jab and raven's crime, and if your willing to pay 3 mana there is syphon life, none of which help the deck that much for what they do. I think I would prefer Stronghold Rats, you'll get more bang since it'll get in for at least 2 damage each turn as well as forcing your opponent to discard

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