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Forum Overview >> Decks
Deck Name: White Myr Token Submitted By: snugglr
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Date Posted: Wed Feb/26/14 at 9:32 am

Posts: 37
Joined: 02-Aug-11

So this is my white myr deck.  It is only used for casual games with the boys.  The win condition in the infinite token combo.  It's not bad but really boring to play.  Let me know if you guys can think of any ways to make this deck a little more...interesting.
Date Posted: Wed Feb/26/14 at 11:00am

Posts: 636
Joined: 24-Mar-13

I always found alternate win condition cards interesting. Give yourself some win out of left field that your opponent wasn't planning for or even expecting.

With changing to or splashing red, you have access to damage like Burn at the Stake and Purphoros, as well as that dragon that wins the game for you if you have enough artifacts.

Green has Epic Struggle to flat out win if you control twenty creatures or more.

Black, you have Mortal Combat, to allow you (or whoever controls a new creature entering the field) to give a target creature -3/-3 until end of turn.

I generally avoid blue anymore, because it tends toward stalling or 'cheating' bit stuff to the field.

For white itself, you can add in a life-gain feature and those enchantments that win if you have over 50 or at least the most life, as well as Cathars' Crusade to really pump up your tokens.

In general though, making the deck do something besides turn creatures sideways to win always makes it more interesting for everyone.

[Edited by terakhan on 26/Feb/14 at 11:02AM]
Date Posted: Wed Feb/26/14 at 11:42am

Posts: 37
Joined: 02-Aug-11

I have been thinking about splashing a color in to this to make it more interesting. I didn't want to do blue even though it would allow me to access a lot of cards that benefit artifacts. However, I really like your idea for red and the hellkite tyrant.

That is hilarious!

Burn at the stake seems completely ridiculous. Also, I could throw in Splinter twin or two. I thought an Akroma's Memorial would be interesting...but fuck me they are pricey.

Forum Overview >> Decks
