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Deck Name: Pal-s Hanna EDH Submitted By: Pal-of-Lim-Dul
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Main Deck (100)
Artifact (19)
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Enchantment (23)
Instant (3)
Planeswalker (1)
Sorcery (1)
Land (34)
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Date Posted: Wed Jan/01/14 at 5:10 pm

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Posts: 1148
Joined: 24-May-10

This deck tries to maximize Hanna's ability to dig up enchantments and Artifacts. A good portion of them do some fun stuff when you sac'em.

Some synergy is built around Enchanted Evening and Soul Sculptor: Teferi's Care/Arenson's Aura lets me target any target with Enchanted Evening or any creature with Soul Sculptor. Of course Aura Thief is the key to Enchanted Evening.

Since Hanna is key, I try to protect her with some equipment and auras.


Some cards I'm gonna need to fit in are (open to suggestions):

Nevinyllar's Disc

Declaration of Naught

Decree of Silence

Wizard Replica
Date Posted: Thu Jan/02/14 at 9:59am

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Pal-of-Lim-Dul, Turbine

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

I would replace illusionist bracers with rings of brighthearth, alot of your creatures have triggered abilitys, which will limit the amount you can use it, while the rings can also copy artifact abilitys which you have alot of.  yes it costs 2 mana but hey, its EDH

you seem to have alot of cards that destory target artifact or enchantment, but if they don't have any or you can't find your converters their useless, same with the tap creature cards-why tap stuff down when you can whip it out.

I would replace souleater with the disk, and look at replacing some of the destory 1 specific thing with wider ranging cards like supreme verdict, reality acid, or detention sphere

speaking of detention sphere, since you can recur enchantments, if you add more sacrifice enchantment outlets like atog's or such, cards like detention sphere with etb/LTB's become alot better, i'm looking at parallex wave/tide, o-ring, dance of many for example.

also i feel phyrexian metamorph and heliods are musts in a hanna deck, the former because of the flexibility in what it can offer and the latter gives you a mana dump, which puts you in a much better postion of recovery after a board wipe.


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