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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: Ancient Treadings Submitted By: DyingJester
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Stampeding Wildebeests
Summon Wildebeests 2GG 5/4 Visions, Uncommon

Where Ancients Tread
Enchantment 4R Shards of Alara, Rare
Estimated Combo Cost: $0.48
Date Posted: Thu Apr/02/09 at 9:08 pm

Posts: 1771
Joined: 16-Dec-08

One of my friends built me a deck as a gift using these two cards together.Where ancients tread deals five damage for a five or greater creature coming into play and Wildebeests returns itself to your hand during your upkeep allowing for five damage every turn, this is pretty minor, but can win you the game if you can back it up with some good red spells, like volcanic fallout,Bloodthorn taunter, and magma spray. The green cards are pretty much just mana excel combined with some high tougness creatures, but it works out pretty well in the end.

Forum Overview >> Combos
