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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: Win the game on turn zero!!! Submitted By: The_Mind_Rapist
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Elvish Spirit Guide
Summon Spirit 2G 2/2 Alliances, Uncommon

Phyrexian Marauder
Artifact Creature X 0/0 Visions, Rare

Shifting Wall
Artifact Creature X 0/0 Stronghold, Uncommon

Protean Hulk
Creature - Beast 5GG 6/6 Dissension, Rare

Gemstone Caverns
Legendary Land Time Spiral, Rare

Simian Spirit Guide
Creature - Ape Spirit 2R 2/2 Planar Chaos, Common

Instant 1U 6th Edition, Rare

Disciple of the Vault
Creature - Human Cleric B 1/1 Mirrodin, Common
Estimated Combo Cost: $11.95
Date Posted: Tue Mar/10/09 at 7:01 pm

Posts: 3
Joined: 10-Mar-09

If you get the chance to draw first, choose to draw. Play the Gemstone Cavern. You can then sacrifice any number of \"Simian Spirit Guide\'s\", or \"Elvish Spirit Guide\" in your hand for mana. Play \"Flash\" from your hand, and putting a \"Protean Hulk\" into play. Do not pay the mana cost and allow \"Protean Hulk\" to be put into the graveyard (Because of Flash\'s ability). Then \"Protean Hulk\'s\" ability is triggered (Search your library for any number of creature cards with total casting cost X) as he is put into the graveyard, so search your library and get 4 \"Disciple of the Vault\", put them into play, then search for four of the \"Shifting Wall\'s\" and \"Phyrexian Marauder\'s\", and since X has to equal zero (when searching a library)these creatures will go into the graveyard. Then \"Disciple of the Vault\'s\" ability is triggered and your opponents will lose 4x4x4, or 8x4 life which is 32 and you win the game on turn zero!!!

Here is a good deck list to finish off the combo


4 Lotus Petal
4 Elvish Spirit Guide
4 Simian Spirit Guide
4 Island
4 Gemstone Cavern
4 Summoner\'s Pact
4 Protean Hulk
4 Mystical Tutor
4 Flash
4 Disciple of the Vault
4 Phyrexian Marauder
4 Shifting Wall
4 Force of Will
4 Pact of Negation
4 Street Wraith (just to thin out the deck)

If you want to purchase these cards you can go to

The deck will cost $184.32
Date Posted: Thu Feb/25/10 at 9:21am

Posts: 389
Joined: 22-Feb-10

Lol @ 4 Flash and 4 Mystical Tutor...
Date Posted: Sun Feb/28/10 at 8:33pm

Posts: 880
Joined: 30-Jul-09

lol @ the fact that i have 4 of each lying around lol

Date Posted: Sat Mar/06/10 at 8:29pm

Posts: 389
Joined: 22-Feb-10

It's funny because you can't legally put them in a deck.

Forum Overview >> Combos
