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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: Dawn of Xathrid Submitted By: knarf_the_dwarf
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Dawn of the Dead
Enchantment 2BBB Torment, Rare

Minion Reflector
Artifact 5 Shards of Alara, Rare

Xathrid Demon
Creature - Demon 3BBB (7/7) Magic 2010, Mythic
Estimated Combo Cost: $1.84
Date Posted: Tue Nov/24/15 at 5:19 am

Posts: 1370
Joined: 30-Nov-11

return the demon to the battlefield each upkeep, make a copy and sacrifice the nontoken demon to the previously generated demon token of last upkeep or attack with the nontoken demon if 2 token demon start your turn.

Forum Overview >> Combos
