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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: Young Pyromancer Submitted By: knarf_the_dwarf
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Lab Rats
Sorcery B Stronghold, Common

Memory Crystal
Artifact 3 Exodus, Rare

Bog Initiate
Creature - Wizard 1B 1/1 Invasion, Common

Enchantment 3R Exodus, Rare

Ashnod's Altar
Poly Artifact 3 Antiquities, Uncommon
Estimated Combo Cost: $4.83
Date Posted: Mon May/27/13 at 2:35 pm

Posts: 1370
Joined: 30-Nov-11

This combo provides infinite life, black mana and damage.Replace the Pandemonium by Ogre Battledriver and you could swing with infinite 3/1 rat or elemental tokens.
ogre battledriver m14
staff of the mind magus m14 spoiler young pyromancer m14

[Edited by knarf_the_dwarf on 27/May/13 at 2:40PM]

Forum Overview >> Combos
