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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: 'Fork it over!' Submitted By: sumwun
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Bazaar Trader
Creature - Goblin 1R 1/1 Worldwake, Rare

Legendary Artifact 6 Mirrodin, Rare
Estimated Combo Cost: $1.42
Date Posted: Mon May/20/13 at 11:02 pm

Posts: 12
Joined: 15-Jul-11

use bazaar trader-give itself. activate mindslaver, use your given bazaar trader to give you their best creature, artifact, unique land, etc.
Date Posted: Tue May/21/13 at 9:17am

Narcinek War-Rider
Posts: 1283
Joined: 16-Jun-11

I for one would be pissed if you did this to me.
Date Posted: Wed May/22/13 at 2:24pm

Posts: 79
Joined: 23-Dec-11

Haha. Where's the like button?
Date Posted: Wed May/22/13 at 8:46pm

Posts: 1553
Joined: 02-Nov-11

Okay, I got a question:
If you Mindslaver someone, and then have them Mindslaver you during the turn you are controlling them, who controls your Mindslaved turn?
Date Posted: Wed May/22/13 at 11:53pm

Posts: 5
Joined: 22-May-13

Boyachi, the rules of magic do not have any concept of the actual people playing the game.  The rules of magic are written only in regards to players.  The word "you" refers to the active player.

In many cases, the decisions of the active player are not necessarily made by a consistent person.  For example, consider a two player game between Alice and Bob.  Suppose Bob has a friend Charlie who is constantly poking over his shoulder and giving Bob suggestions and telling him what to do during his turn.  As far as the game is concerned, there are still just 2 players -- you can't target Charlie with a lightning bolt!

When you cast Mindslaver the first time, it says that "you" (the active player) get to control target player's next turn.  It doesn't make you become the active player during their turn.

712.3. Only control of the player changes. All objects are
controlled by their normal controllers. A player who’s being controlled
during his or her turn is still the active player.


Therefore, if while you are controlling their turn, you play another Mindslaver, the word "you" again refers to the active player..which is now your opponent, even though you are making decisions for them.  Thus, if you force them to Mindslaver themselves, then it would have no effect, because they already would be controlling their next turn.

Date Posted: Thu May/23/13 at 7:47pm

Posts: 1553
Joined: 02-Nov-11

Thank you!

So then what happens in a multiplayer game if the turn order is Player A, Player B, then Player C; during A's turn, A Mindslavers C, then on B's turn, B Mindslavers C? Does the first C turn go to B and the second C turn go to A or does B's Mindslaver effect cancel A's Mindslaver effect?
Date Posted: Thu May/23/13 at 9:30pm

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

They are applied in timestamp order.  Last effect is the one that holds.  B controls A gets nothing
If you Mindslaver someone, and then have them Mindslaver you during the turn you are controlling them, who controls your Mindslaved turn?
Need to clarify something:  "You" refers to the controller of the permanent, spell, or ability.  This is not necessary the active player.  The Active Player is simply who's turn it is.
So if Player A  mindslaves B, Then on Player B's turn, Player A is controlling B and uses player B's mindslaver on Player A, so now when its Player A's turn they would be controlled by Player B.  Reason:  Even though Player A actived Player B's mindslaver, player B was the controller of the permanent, and ability by extension, therefore "you" refers to Player B

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