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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: GC Oozes-Evolve synergies Submitted By: knarf_the_dwarf
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Land Urza's Saga, Common

Land Urza's Saga, Common

Land Urza's Saga, Common

Land Urza's Saga, Common
Estimated Combo Cost: $0.00
Date Posted: Thu Feb/07/13 at 2:35 am

Posts: 1370
Joined: 30-Nov-11

This first synergy needs 1 counter already placed on the Cloudfin Raptor to start. Activate the Ooze Flux, remove the counter from the raptor. The 1/1 Ooze etb, Evolve triggers and there is a new counter placed on the raptor. Continue until yor are out of mana.

Second. Combine the Flux with Ivy Lane Denizen
Now, when the grren Ooze token etb, you could place 2 +1/+1 on the raptor. Then, you can generate 2/2 Oozes. By that, also 'evolve! will trigger on creatures which p/t are >=1 like
The more creatures with 'evolve' you have the bigger the Oozes will be .

Third: You also could generate some 1/1 Ooze tokens with the 1st synergy above and place the additional +1/+1 counters from Ivy Lane Denizen on Elusive Krasis and swing for some unblockable big damage.


[Edited by knarf_the_dwarf on 7/Feb/13 at 2:37AM]

Forum Overview >> Combos
