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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: Mono Black Creature Tutor Synergy Submitted By: Chiefsizzlechest
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Creature - Horror 2BB 3/3 Future Sight, Uncommon

Mimic Vat
Artifact 3 Scars of Mirrodin, Rare
Estimated Combo Cost: $1.43
Date Posted: Mon Jan/02/12 at 8:17 am

Posts: 348
Joined: 18-Oct-10

I was looking at cards to make a Phage deck, and came across Fleshwrither, I don't know if its the only card with transfigure but with it you can tutor for creatures with a mana cost of 4 and just put it into play. thought it was worth posting
Date Posted: Mon Jan/02/12 at 8:28am

Posts: 10194
Joined: 26-Oct-09

6 mana for a 4 cost creature. It's. . .nice.
Date Posted: Mon Jan/02/12 at 8:34am

Posts: 348
Joined: 18-Oct-10

Well they also come into play, thats the part that I feel is worth it. But I realized shortly after, the Nephilims are all 4 mana :D
Date Posted: Mon Jan/02/12 at 9:30am

Narcinek War-Rider
Posts: 1283
Joined: 16-Jun-11

I for one like this combo.
Date Posted: Mon Jan/02/12 at 11:11am

Posts: 1148
Joined: 24-May-10

I use this dood to fetch my Hell's Caretaker in my Sek'Kuar EDH deck.
Date Posted: Mon Jan/02/12 at 11:48am

Posts: 909
Joined: 13-Apr-11

I love this! I'm a little embarrassed that I've never seen this card before, but it's going in a lot of EDH decks, that's for sure.
Date Posted: Mon Jan/02/12 at 12:53pm

Posts: 157
Joined: 10-Sep-11

Stupid future sight with its stupid new mechanics...!
Date Posted: Mon Jan/02/12 at 4:36pm

T}{3 0l\l3 VV}{0 1S
Posts: 178
Joined: 10-Jun-11

This is indeed the only card with transfigure.
Date Posted: Mon Jan/02/12 at 7:17pm

Posts: 348
Joined: 18-Oct-10

and that saddens me greatly, more transfigure cards would have been pretty cool
Date Posted: Mon Jan/02/12 at 7:29pm

Posts: 1081
Joined: 04-Apr-11

Too bad it's not a zombie either.
Date Posted: Mon Jan/02/12 at 9:42pm

Posts: 348
Joined: 18-Oct-10

is there any cards to change that? I never even thought of rooftop storm
Date Posted: Mon Jan/02/12 at 11:02pm

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Joined: 24-May-10

Date Posted: Tue Jan/03/12 at 7:40am

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Joined: 26-Oct-09

Artificial Evolution
Date Posted: Tue Jan/03/12 at 12:24pm

Posts: 348
Joined: 18-Oct-10

I mean to use rooftop storm, I dont think those would work would that?
Date Posted: Tue Jan/03/12 at 12:37pm

Posts: 1148
Joined: 24-May-10

Only Conspiracy will work with Rooftop Storm.
Date Posted: Tue Jan/03/12 at 2:43pm

Posts: 157
Joined: 10-Sep-11

No, evolution would work too!

Forum Overview >> Combos
