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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: Merfolk Magic Submitted By: Skippylikeno
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Merfolk Thaumaturgist
Creature - Merfolk Wizard 2U 1/2 Planar Chaos, Common

Merrow Commerce
Tribal Enchantment - Merfolk 1U Lorwyn, Uncommon

Silvergill Douser
Creature - Merfolk Wizard 1U 1/1 Lorwyn, Common
Estimated Combo Cost: $0.95
Date Posted: Tue Jun/14/11 at 7:25 am

Posts: 56
Joined: 14-Jun-11

Heh heh heh. This combo always pisses people off for some reason, even though there are way nastier combos out there. Maybe the thought of merfolk creature killing is just too much for them. Anyways, if you haven't already gathered what happens here, throwing silvergill in a merfolk/faerie deck makes his ability formidable in a defensive sense. However, as long as you splash the victim to power zero or lower, the thaumaturgist turns this abilty to an offensive one by making the creatures toughness zero amd killing it. Merrow commerce is just and easy way to reload for their turn. Remember: the more of these guys in play the better, since it equals more killing and more effective killing. Giving these guys shroud is also not a bad idea.

Forum Overview >> Combos
