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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: Sacrifice Combo Submitted By: TheCaptain
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Carrion Feeder
Creature - Zombie B 1/1 Scourge, Common

Grave Pact
Enchantment 1BBB Stronghold, Rare

Dawn of the Dead
Enchantment 2BBB Torment, Rare

Creature - Human Shaman B 1/1 Shards of Alara, Common

Mortician Beetle
Creature - Insect B 1/1 Rise of the Eldrazi, Rare
Estimated Combo Cost: $8.88
Date Posted: Sun Apr/24/11 at 7:52 pm

Posts: 909
Joined: 13-Apr-11

Dawn of the Dead brings back a creature each turn at the cost of one life per turn, sacrifice the creature to something before the main step (I use Carrion Feeder in this example), then capitalize on the sacrifice with cards like Mortician Beaetle, Grave pact, or Contamination (not listed here). I tried to keep this monoblack so it can apply to more decks, but other cards like Soulgreeter or Tesya.

I know people have been complaining about recent combos, so I hope this combo doesn't offend any of the long-time users of this site.
Date Posted: Sun Apr/24/11 at 11:43pm

Posts: 1771
Joined: 16-Dec-08

Meh. It's not bad. I personally think we should move on from combos. (We're bound to run out eventually.) Lets start posting decklists!  And Fanart! and....DOOM BLADES.... SO MANY DOOM BLADES...DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBBBLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry too much coffee, but yeah your combo is easily playable and has nice synergy.
Date Posted: Mon Apr/25/11 at 8:35am

Posts: 1250
Joined: 31-Aug-09

I would say this is closer to a deck list. There is more than one combo combine in this. Grave Pact + Dawn of the Dead + Carrion Feeder is a combo for them sac a creature and you sac engine grows. Dawn of the Dead + Carrion Feeder + Deathgreeter is a combo for 1 life a turn. Mortician Beetle gains form this making it an extra but not essential for the combo. It's good. It's just more than 1 combo.

Forum Overview >> Combos
