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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: 5 30/30s and a 36/36 Submitted By: Phildo
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Hamletback Goliath
Creature - Giant Warrior 6R 6 / 6 Lorwyn, Rare

Rite of Replication
Sorcery 2UU Zendikar, Rare
Estimated Combo Cost: $2.17
Date Posted: Sat Apr/16/11 at 12:08 am

Posts: 11
Joined: 23-Jan-11

Replicate the Hamletback with the kicker and boom you have a huge army.
Date Posted: Sat Apr/16/11 at 7:50pm

lin sivvi
Posts: 1608
Joined: 14-Jan-10

Don't they all the tokens come into play one at a time?
Date Posted: Sat Apr/16/11 at 11:14pm

Posts: 11
Joined: 23-Jan-11

10/1/2009: The tokens see each other enter the battlefield. If
they have a triggered ability that triggers when a creature enters the
battlefield, they'll all trigger for one another.

Strait from the rule book.
Date Posted: Sun Apr/17/11 at 4:12am

Posts: 5711
Joined: 08-Sep-09

yup... just like allies...
Date Posted: Tue Apr/19/11 at 3:27am

Posts: 1
Joined: 19-Apr-11

Why not add Parallel Evolution and double your 30/30's
Date Posted: Fri May/25/12 at 12:50pm

Posts: 424
Joined: 20-Nov-08

They're a Lot bigger than 30/30s. Rite resolves and you get 5 Hamletback Goliath entering simultaneously giving you 4 triggers from each on the Giants and 5 from the original (including the original one).  As each trigger resolves you check the P/T after it is affected by the +1/+1 counters already on creatures.  There are many ways you can stack the triggers but fortunatly someone else has already done the math for me!  This following part was pulled from the MTGSalvation Cranial Insertion artical at  Now this doesn't explain how it would have worked if you controlled the Goliath because you would control those triggers and be able to stack them to get even more redonkulous, but here's the article

Q: My opponent controls a Hamletback Goliath and I cast a kicked Rite of Replication on it. My opponent mumbles "heck no, I don't want to do that kind of math" and Unsummons his Goliath in response so that my Rite fizzles, but now I'm wondering, what would have happened if the Rite had resolved?

A: That would result in a lot of +1/+1 counters! The five Goliath tokens enter the battlefield at the same time and they see each other doing so, so you get 20 instances of their triggered ability to arrange on the stack as you see fit. Since each ability looks at the corresponding Goliath's power only when the ability resolves, the exact outcome depends on the order in which you arrange the abilities on the stack. There are about 2.4 trillion combinations to consider, so if you wanted to think through all possibilities, you'll definitely get a Slow Play warning! (If a computer could check one million possibilities per second, it would spend 77000 years going through all possibilities.)

If we call the five Goliaths A, B, C, D, and E, a straightforward ordering of the triggers would be to give A counters equal to the total power of B, C, D, and E; then give B counters equal to the total power of A, C, D, and E; and so on. This results in your Goliaths being 30/30, 54/54, 102/102, 198/198, and 390/390. That's not too shabby, but you could do better. The best ordering that I have found results in Goliaths that are 756/756, 1266/1266, 5046/5046, 5448/5448, and 8064/8064, for a total power of 20580. If you want to see how to achieve that, this
is the order in which I resolve the triggers: D->E, E->C, C->D, D->C, C->E, E->B, B->C, C->B, B->D, D->B, B->E, E->A, A->B, B->A, A->C, C->A, A->D, D->A, A->E, E->D. In this notation, the first letter represents the Goliath whose power we look at and the second letter represents the Goliath to whom we give the counters.

By the way, your opponent's Goliath sees your Goliaths entering the battlefield, too, but it won't grow quite as massive. Since your opponent is probably the nonactive player, his Goliath's abilities go on the stack above your abilities and resolve first. At that time, your Goliaths are still "only" 6/6, so your opponent's Goliath will get a measly 30 +1/+1 counters to stand against your army of super-sized Goliaths.

Using the Math that was provided and adding in the original Goliath we get (Where F is the original):
D->E, E->C, C->D, D->C, C->E, E->B, B->C, C->B, B->D, D->B, B->E, E->A, A->B, B->A, A->C, C->A, A->D, D->A, A->E, E->D, A->F, B->F, C->F, D->F, E->F,

Netting a total power of:
A: 5046
B: 746
C: 1266
D: 8064
E: 5448
F: 20586
Total Power of 41166!!!!!!!

[Edited by Squillis on 25/May/12 at 12:51PM]
Date Posted: Fri May/25/12 at 5:22pm

Posts: 329
Joined: 21-Jun-11

Part of me wants to test that on MTGO just to see what would happen. It would be tons of triggers, I wonder if it would crash the game.
Date Posted: Fri May/25/12 at 6:19pm

Posts: 10194
Joined: 26-Oct-09

Aw, I was too late.

I had to do that math when I played Allies. XD
Date Posted: Fri May/25/12 at 8:20pm

Narcinek War-Rider
Posts: 1283
Joined: 16-Jun-11

Just think if you had Doubling Season out..
Date Posted: Fri May/25/12 at 9:21pm

Posts: 1553
Joined: 02-Nov-11

This is the most beautiful thing I've seen all night. Thank you all!
Date Posted: Sat May/26/12 at 12:07am

Posts: 346
Joined: 04-Feb-11

So which would you prefer in front of you: an unmeasurably large number of small creatures (Kiki-Jiki+Pestermite) or a smaller army where you could say with full confidence that gheir combined power was 41166? I would like the smaller army-41166 just seems so much more viscerally effective than "as many as I want".

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