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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: 2 card victory? Submitted By: Ephemerance
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Land Urza's Saga, Common

Time Sieve
Artifact UB Alara Reborn, Rare
Estimated Combo Cost: $1.45
Date Posted: Thu Jan/27/11 at 2:20 pm

Posts: 913
Joined: 18-Jun-09

Akinas86 mentioned this, and I think it\'s really sad that Magic has taken this turn. It\'s becoming more and more like Yugio. Less and less about strategy & plotting, and more about waiting for the right cards to come up. It\'s no longer a thinking game, it\'s a waiting game.
Date Posted: Thu Jan/27/11 at 4:51pm

Posts: 66
Joined: 22-Nov-09

You can play home rules anytime.  The real test is going to drafts and tournys and developing deck construction skills on the spot within a certain time.  If you consistantly win then you may be a great MTG player.
Date Posted: Thu Jan/27/11 at 5:12pm

Posts: 329
Joined: 02-Dec-10

i have to agree. I think wizards should consider reducing the number of identical cards in a deck from 4 to 3 or even 2 to make it more about building a solid deck with continuity that pulling a 2 card combo. Or they could just stop making stupid infinate turn 2 card combos i guess. If you manage to play a 4 or 5 card combo to run a loop, i'll give you a lot of respect for that, this just requires luck. But it does work!!!!

[Edited by rav514 on 27/Jan/11 at 5:13PM]
Date Posted: Thu Jan/27/11 at 9:49pm

lin sivvi
Posts: 1608
Joined: 14-Jan-10

Or maybe just get rid of a lot of the newer cards and go back to the old way of balence
Date Posted: Thu Jan/27/11 at 9:52pm

lin sivvi
Posts: 1608
Joined: 14-Jan-10

You know magic used to change cards to avoid two card winning strategies

Example: channel fireball (they decided the channel was to good)

Example: Time vault and Voltaic Key (changed time vault so it couldn't be used like that)

Date Posted: Fri Jan/28/11 at 2:29am

Posts: 327
Joined: 16-Jun-10

thank you, ephemerance, for the mention.
Date Posted: Sun Jan/30/11 at 3:21pm

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

Since shards was not that long ago, I am sure somebody in R&D noticed the interaction between assembly and time sieve, but then someone said "but they won't be in standard at the same time." and that was the end of that discussion.  Wizards is a business and like any business they want to make money.  The don't make their money in legacy, extend, edh, or casual.  They make their money in standard so that is their focus.  It's a shame there are card interactions like this or painters servant/grindstone, but can you imagine how much it would cost to have to research the interaction between every card coming out with every card ever printed.  Tell you one thing they won't be putting out a set every 3 months.

As for the combo itself, its powerful but not unbeatable, a simple doomblade will beat it. Frankly, I have gotten to the point with infinite turn combos that I feel that people panic to much when they encounter them.  I remember a game years ago when my opponent pulled a nice inifinte turn combo on me using second sunrise imprinted panoptic mirror, time sieve,  and  a host of 0 costing artifact creatures/lands after demostrating how he had infinite turns, he started to pick up his cards, i said what are you doing, he said i have inifinte turns lets just get to the next match.  i said no play it out.  People around us were agreeing with him saying it was pointless.  My opponent actually called the judge over saying i was delaying the game since I couldn't do anything the rest of the game. When the judge asked me why i instisted on continuing, i said, he had nothing on the field that can get past my creatures and seeing how everything he has been playing has been geared to getting out his infinite combo, i didn't think he had anything that could, and that he needed to prove that he could win.  The judge sided with me and the end result he ended up decking himself and I moved on to the next round.

Granted that was a long winded way to say, just because the turns are infinite doesn;t mean its an automatic win.  Take the magosi inifite combo, you need to drop magosi each turn to keep it going which means your not droping any more land, so if your not set up to win when you set it off you need to break it.  Though with the eldrazi now it is alot easier to turn those turns into a win.

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