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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: Another F****ing kiki-jiki combo Submitted By: Dedere
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
Legendary Creature - Goblin Shaman 2RRR 2/2 Champions of Kamigawa, Rare

Mogg Fanatic
Creature - Goblin R 1/1 10th Edition, Uncommon

Thornbite Staff
Tribal Artifact - Shaman Equipment 2 Morningtide, Uncommon
Estimated Combo Cost: $14.02
Date Posted: Tue Dec/22/09 at 5:28 pm

Posts: 9
Joined: 30-Nov-09

if this has already been posted then I\'m sorry but its funny and doable. First play mogg fanatic on turn 1, then on turn 2 play thornbite staff. then on turn 5 or if you have cards like desperate ritual turn 4, play kiki-jiki mirror breaker and then equip it with thornbite for 0 because its a shaman and tap it to put a token off mogg fanatic into play, then sack it untapping thornbite staff then tap it again and so on to kill off any opponent.

Don\'t tell me that tokens don\'t go into the graveyard because they do. so i don\'t want any comments saying that this wont work because i\'ve entered my deck based around this combo into a tournament and they were fine with it. ( they said it was legal)
Date Posted: Wed Dec/23/09 at 2:12pm

Posts: 46
Joined: 20-Dec-09

AGREED- Tokens hit graveyard for a sec and fizzle


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