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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: 12 damage for 5 mana Submitted By: psyche
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Sneak Attack
Enchantment 3R Urza's Saga, Rare

Bloodfire Colossus
Creature - Giant 6RR 6/6 Apocalypse, Rare
Estimated Combo Cost: $48.18
Date Posted: Wed Dec/09/09 at 4:09 am

Posts: 1250
Joined: 31-Aug-09

Sneak attack the colossus, attack, and sack after he hits. 12 dammage and mana cost is spread out.
Date Posted: Wed Dec/09/09 at 2:17pm

Posts: 51
Joined: 01-Sep-09

If you were going to do all of this on the same turn you would need 6 mana, 4 for Sneak Attack, 1 for the activation of Sneak Attack, and 1 for the activation of Colossus. My question to you is why only do 12 damage when you could do 20 with Serra Avatar?

Date Posted: Thu Dec/10/09 at 8:49am

Posts: 1250
Joined: 31-Aug-09

No good reason. It is just on color vs 2. Also Seria avatar isn't always 20. If you get pounded on then it can be much less.
Date Posted: Thu Dec/10/09 at 8:52am

Posts: 51
Joined: 01-Sep-09

You are correct!

Forum Overview >> Combos
