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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: green blue infinate mana Submitted By: psyche
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Paradise Mantle
Artifact - Equipment 0 Fifth Dawn, Uncommon

Pentad Prism
Artifact 2 Fifth Dawn, Common

Gilder Bairn
Creature - Ouphe 1(G/U)(G/U) 1/3 Eventide, Uncommon
Estimated Combo Cost: $3.85
Date Posted: Wed Oct/07/09 at 10:31 am

Posts: 1250
Joined: 31-Aug-09

get pentad prism out with and keep at least 1 counter on it. Play gilder bairn and equip it with paradise mantle. Use lands and the tap for mana effect on the gilder bairn to get the number of counters on pentad prism up to 5 or more. At 4 you can use mana form the tap and 2 counter form the prism to double the 2 on the prism to 4. At 5 you can make infinite mana with this combo. Best thing is you can make the combo with green or blue, and it produces any color mana. It is the most versatile one I've seen that can be used on Magic the gathering online. And its cheap cards.
Date Posted: Fri May/21/10 at 6:10pm

Posts: 33
Joined: 20-May-10

I use a similar combo in my "evil genius" deck.  I use the gilder + mantle, but use an everflowing chalice for mana - as you can double the counters on it to make insane amounts of reusable mana - then I use the mana to power my tower of fortunes to find kill conditions - all the while hiding on my Island Sanctuary.  Kill conditions currently in the deck are magma mines, time bombs, armageddon clock, and darksteel reactor.  It's a super fun deck to play - but slower than snail mating rituals....

Nice combo - I may have to add the prism to my deck if I can find a justification for theme
Date Posted: Tue May/25/10 at 9:29am

Posts: 1250
Joined: 31-Aug-09

The gemstone array or prisim gives you the ability to make colored mana. This is invaluable since any combo/spell that requires a color is finite even if you have infinite colorless mana due to the color requirments.

Forum Overview >> Combos
