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Title: A new mill/semi-controlish deck B/U
Date Posted: Fri May/07/10 at 11:16pm

Posts: 845
Joined: 13-Jul-09

Wall of Shadows x4
Fog Bank x4
Mind Funeral x2
Tome Scour x4
Nemesis of Reason x2
Haunting Echoes x2
Psychic Drain x1
Circu, Dimir Lobotomist x1
Hedron Crab x2
Sadistic Sacrament x2
Extirpate x4
Wanderer's Twig x4
Shield of Kaldra x2
Royal Assassin x2
Twiddle x2
 Whispersilk Cloak x2
Counterspell x4
Keening Stone x2

Island x8
Swamp x8
Terramorphic Expanse x4

I haven't played this at all and it's just for casual play. Let me know what you all think.
Date Posted: Sat May/08/10 at 12:45am

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

It is a good build should be easy to play, but I would be remised if I did not say what changes I would make.

Wall of Shadows x4  -keep
Fog Bank x4  -keep
Mind Funeral x2   -up to 3, see below
Tome Scour x4  - keep
Nemesis of Reason x2  -keep
Haunting Echoes x2  -keep
Psychic Drain x1  -lose you will never get x high enough to make it effective for the cost, replace with mind funeral
Circu, Dimir Lobotomist x1 -keep
Hedron Crab x2  - keep
Sadistic Sacrament x2  = lose, replace with card draw, dimer cutpurse or consult the necrosages come to mind
Extirpate x4   -replace with 4 eradicate
Wanderer's Twig x4  -lose replace with 4 wind zedikon
Shield of Kaldra x2  -  lose replace with induce parania for control and mill
Royal Assassin x2 -keep for board control
Twiddle x2  -lose, replace with fatesticher for repeatable effects and pair with assassian
 Whispersilk Cloak x2  - keep
Counterspell x4   -keep
Keening Stone x2  -keep

Island x8  - keep                                                                                                                                                      Swamp x8  -take to 6                                                                                                                                    Terramorphic Expanse x4  -keep                                                                                                                            add two evolving wilds

Why did I make these changes,  I already explained the twiddle.  Mind funeral is a great card, as far as I'm concerned it says remove 4 lands from players deck for 3 mana, the other cards are a bonus, not to mention it will win you games played after the wind zendikon/eradicate combo (feel free to post this one) basically enchant an opponents land with wind zendikon, such as an island, then cast eradicate on it to remove that land from game and then search there hand, library, grave for all cards named ISLAND and remove them from the game, with so many decks playing basic lands this will decimate most, a mind funernal after that would just be the icing.  Wind zendikon can also enchant your 6 fetches, enchant terra, sac it put a land into play, terra goes back to your land to be played again increasing your land drop




[Edited by gericault5 on 8/May/10 at 12:47AM]
Date Posted: Sat May/08/10 at 1:30am

Posts: 845
Joined: 13-Jul-09

Awesome. Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this up!

I thought about taking out Psychic Drain. I thought I could get X to be like 5 or something, then use Extirpate and they'd be pretty boned at that point. But, I could probably do the same thing with Tome Scour and Extirpate.

While Eradicate can take out more cards, it's 4 mana and Extirpate is only 1. That's why I put it in there. Plus, Extirpate can target nonblack creatures as long as they are in the graveyard. And since a lot of these cards put cards in the graveyard, I didn't think it would be an issue. However, with Eradicate and Wind Zendikon, I could target their land, which would royally screw them. More than taking out some of their creatures... I think I will go with Eradicate.

I like Consult the Necrosages. That's nasty. :)

I have the shield in there to protect my nemesis and the assassin. I guess Whispersilk Cloak would do that nicely, though. Induce Paranoia would be great for bigger creatures. That would be a lot of milling. Especially against an Eldrazi.

If I put Fatestitcer in, I would want some way to keep it from being destroyed or sac'ed. Another Cloak?

Oh man, that Wind Zendikon and Terramorphic Expanse combo. is amazing. I get more land, and with each drop, if I have Hedron Crab out, they discard three cards. Ouch.

Would love to hear your feedback on my thoughts. Thanks again!
Date Posted: Sat May/08/10 at 1:38am

Posts: 845
Joined: 13-Jul-09

Oh, and I forgot to add my sideboard:

Fate Transfer x4 (for annoying Wither and stuff like that)
Consuming Vapors x2 (for the really big creatures. They get sac'ed and I gain a lot of life)
Archive Trap x2 (for decks that have a lot of fetch cards)

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