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Title: Oath of the Gatewatch Draft
Date Posted:
Fri Apr/08/16 at 3:28am
Posts: 1370
Joined: 30-Nov-11
Yesterday evening two fellows and me made a Booster draft with a left over Oath Display.
The best was of the evening has been several beers I drunk due to the expansion which seems not so convinient to me for draft.
With 3 people we picked 3 booster eachper session and played multiplayer best of three, circle to the right, circle to the left and king of the hill; all first blood.
Patrick managed to get some colourless mana sources and in one session he won all 3 games with a five color ally deck utilizing the colourless mana requiring abilities. I've gone for a green/white creature deck due to that my first booster first pick has been Linvala, the Preserver...
The whole evening I decided to go for g/w and some sprencles of blue, I won 2 matches in total and dies first at 3 matches.
This morning I've ordered a case of SoI and hopefully I have more luck next time!-)
Date Posted:
Tue Aug/16/16 at 6:38am
Posts: 1370
Joined: 30-Nov-11
Last week we played sealed with an additional Oath Display.
I had more luck and won 2 of three matches.
But, the Oath of the Gatewatch expansion was not so much fun.
Actually we still have to play draft and sealed with SoI and Eldritch Moon, but there are some double sided cards inside so either we have to use opaque sleeves or use this form sheet cards...
Just see what happens.
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