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Title: What's wrong with the market?
Date Posted: Sun Mar/16/14 at 4:48pm

Posts: 1553
Joined: 02-Nov-11

Sun Quan - all your creatures have horsemanship
Archetype of Imagination - your creatures have flying, your opponent's creatures lose flying.

In most cases this makes both cards read "your creatures are unblockable".

Sunny is going for $2~3 and Imagination for 5 cents.

This is like the BS that occurred with Lava Spike. I kept on asking my local store for Lava Spikes. None. None. None. Finally they got them in, for $1.75 each. Because suddenly everyone and their grandma figured out they were great.

So, what other cards do you know are great in general (not in 'that one deck') that the market just doesn't care about?
Date Posted: Sun Mar/16/14 at 6:09pm

Posts: 636
Joined: 24-Mar-13

A desirable rare from an out of print and rare set, vs. a recently printed uncommon. In no way are those going to even be the same price, or ever in favor of the uncommon.

[Edited by terakhan on 16/Mar/14 at 6:14PM]
Date Posted: Mon Mar/17/14 at 11:31am

Posts: 1553
Joined: 02-Nov-11

No, what I'm saying about those two are why do BOTH of them cost so little. I expected Sun Quan to be going for at least $10 from the vault and more from Three Kingdoms. Imagination to be going for $3. little they are going for as of now.
Is it the color? I mean, black and green can easily animate or piper almost any creature card out (leaving out the obvious like Phage and nongraveyarders)? I mean, especially with the blue shift of power, c'mon!

There was an article written about creature types per color by rarity. It went something like this:
Color -common White -human Blue-wizard Green-elf Black-cleric Red-goblin Now I don't remember this list verbatium, but do you see KRAKEN? Krakens aren't small, ever. A Kraken Hatchling is an 0/4 for a single blue mana. Alongside krakens are leviathans. The smallest one I've ever seen was Segovian Leviathan, which was a 3/3 with islandwalk. Think of Tromokrasis, and Polar Kraken, and well...Leviathan! Making these creatures unblockable is disgustingly powerful! Why aren't more people jumping onto making their creatures unblockable?
Or maybe they are, and I'm looking too high. Aqueous Form is the second most expensive common currently on the market from Theros (the first being Lightning Strike). Since Innistrad, there have been common cards that have granted unblockablity to a single creature for the fraction of the cost. Maybe the current format feels there is no need to revel in higher costing cards that give them a blanket effect.
Date Posted: Mon Mar/17/14 at 4:01pm

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

Cards value is based on two things 1) how many are in the market and more importantly 2)do people play it in competitive matches. The market doesn't care how good a card is at the kitchen table. Sun quen and archtype are to slow for the formats they are playable in. Krakens/levithans cost to much mana and usually require a downside to make them tournament playable. Take Dark Depths I bought my playset for $2 each card, and then when hexmage came out the price jumped because now it was playable, and now with the stage its even easier to get it out so the price jumped more (current $59). Reaper of the Wilds is a good card, 4/5 body for 4, kills anything it touchs, and is immune to most of the removal in the format even without its ability, but GB is not played right now so its price sits at a $1, but as soon as a GB deck plays it and wins her price will go up.

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