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Title: mtg movie
Date Posted: Mon Jan/13/14 at 8:29pm

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Date Posted: Tue Jan/14/14 at 1:31am

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I watched that, and it looked like a trailer for a new Duels of the Planeswalkers game.
Date Posted: Tue Jan/14/14 at 4:27am

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the video on there was a trailer for the new duels game. Itll be awhile before we see/learn anything more then that they are making a movie and they want to have it on the scale of harry potter/lord of the rings movies.
Which is cool.
Wondering what storyline they'll use for this tho.

Date Posted: Tue Jan/14/14 at 11:11am

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With any luck, it'll be like The Lord of the Rings in that there are multiple movies. They should logically start in Antiquities with the Brothers War. Then move into Mirage block. Then move into the more famous planeswalkers with the finale with the battle against Nico Bolas.
Date Posted: Tue Jan/14/14 at 1:48pm

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MTGmovie. My mind thinks of the other Hasbro movies.... Transformers... Dungeons and Dragons... GI Joe... My Little Pony... name one of these which is good. Direct to TV movie for Transformers Prime? The only good one I can name.
Date Posted: Tue Jan/14/14 at 3:08pm

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I agree logically they should start with the brothers war.
but who knows? they might just start with planeswalkers(jace,chandra etc) and skip over the older material.

Also agree twogun. Lots of bad movies..
but I can hope. Lol when I was a kid and started playing mtg I always thought a movie would be cool.
Date Posted: Wed Jan/15/14 at 9:36am

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I agree completely. I'm full on wanting the saga of Urza (no, not just Urza's Saga). Brother's war would be a great place to start, but imagine when they get to Invasion. Just imagine the Invasion cycle. Eldrazi would be competing with Pacific Rim and Godzilla in my opinion. I feel like Mirrodin could get an Avatar vibe.
The Ravnica books had a pretty good set up and I would mind seeing an adaptation.
Odyssey was actually pretty cool and would be an excellent trilogy if mashed together with Onslaught, but I must say the whole Karona part bouncing around would be lost on a cinematic audience.

Sadly I think the answer will be that EVERYONE wants to see Jace. Frikkin Jace. Frikkin Blue. Was RTR storyline any good? The only plot I could divine out of the cards was that Szazdek was replaced, that demon guy is still around, and Dragon Maze.

I honestly think that Theros is not the place to start. They'd be using made up gods and that isn't going to fly while Thor and Percy Jackson are still fresh in the audience's memories.
Date Posted: Wed Jan/15/14 at 12:12pm

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The Unrelenting hordes of phyrexia? Maybe? :D
Date Posted: Wed Jan/15/14 at 1:37pm

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boyachi called it. they would use jace, he's their poster boy. so that takes out everything prior to lorywn. there are enough open storylines in recent events to easily make a movie.

now if they want to make it over three movies like rings, urza sage(not the block the total story) would be the ideal. 1st move starts during thran and yawgmoths exile, then opening credits following with the discovery of the stones and brothers war. 2nd movie urzas saga block with weatherlight running congruiently (theyll lose the whole 10000 years lthing) itll end with crovax taking over. 3rd will be the overlay naturally it will be set in new zealand

and for the record the 1986 transformers movie was awsome
Date Posted: Wed Jan/15/14 at 1:57pm

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True. The voice acting was superb. One of Nimoy's best. Not like he was in the Star Trek films or anything.

EDIT: Leonard Nimoy as Nicol Bolas. Zachary Quionto as Jace. Tell me you wouldn't love it.

[Edited by Twogunkid on 15/Jan/14 at 2:00PM]
Date Posted: Sun Jan/19/14 at 10:27pm

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Actually, Kiefer Sutherland would be a better Jace. His voice is very subdued and fits Jace's personality. It also fits Jace's incredibly intimidating power. Case and point: Phone Booth.
Date Posted: Mon Jan/20/14 at 9:33am

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I would like to see the Cards discussed here:
in the movie!-D
Date Posted: Mon Jan/20/14 at 2:07pm

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In all honesty, most of the storyline of this game has been Urza. Basically everything from Antiquities onward to Mirrodin, skip to the time block, and back to New Phyrexia, has been either directly tied to him or aftermath of the Invasion. So I would start with the Brothers' War

Keifer Sutherland has already done one animated film, based on the Dragonlance saga, if you want to hear him doing VA work.

[Edited by terakhan on 20/Jan/14 at 2:24PM]
Date Posted: Mon Jan/20/14 at 9:33pm

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How did Essence Vortex not get on that list of sexy?
If Jace is there, you can bet that Liliana will be there too. Nissa isn't as stereotypically green as Garruk, which is why I think she'll be out, but I think Chandra will win out over Koth as far as movie goers considering she is literally a hottie.
What do we think as far as white planeswalker? I mean Venser, Elspeth, Gideon, or Ajani? My vote is for Ajani, only because I think it would tie in the magic feel, but I could see them going for Elspeth and Gideon, to a lesser extent.
I also feel like they have to have one planeswalker for each color, not two or three, or some for this color and one for that color.

My huge question is: who is the target audience for this movie? If anyone has been catching some of the straight to video (straight to dvd/Blu-ray?) movie releases from DC and Marvel, those movies are for teens and young adults.
I have this great fear that if the script writers get carte-blanche, they will just create their own non-canon storyline and have it aimed at 13 year olds. I'd like to see homages and inner jokes for older players, like Jace countering a spell and saying "Hate to 'interrupt' you"; or a Maro or Phelddagrif moving around in the background; an auction for a pair of sunglasses said to be worn by Urza; famous flavor text; etc.
Date Posted: Thu Feb/27/14 at 1:16am

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I like the homages to the old flavor texts.
Date Posted: Thu Feb/27/14 at 10:47pm

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That list of hotties is missing a certain l'il miss thang named Jaya Ballard...
Date Posted: Sat Mar/01/14 at 2:24pm

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Jaya Ballard isn't a planeswalker. There are actually a few things that would make the potential movie series VERY long. Namely the Homelands/Alliances stuff. Fallen Empires, Legends, The Dark, Kamigawa, Ice Age and whatever other sets I didn't mention that really had no impact on the story as a whole.
Date Posted: Sat Mar/01/14 at 2:38pm

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Cutting to the chase of the plot summary of the novel, Shattered Alliances:
In the blazing inferno that followed this breakpoint Jaya's own planeswalker spark flared. With a thought, she erased Mairsil's tainted presence once and for all, then planeswalked to the School of the Unseen and destroyed the rampaging war beasts there. With Jodah's help, she cut and sealed the bottomless pit that Lim-Dûl relocated there from Tresserhorn with the agreement of Gerda Äagesdotter. Finally, she helped Gerda with finding a new location for the school.
As a parting gift, Jaya gave Jodah an amulet, allowing him to remain sane despite his age, and allowing him to live as long as he willed. She then departed Dominaria for the wider multiverse.

She doesn't have a planeswalker card because her sparking wasn't part of the card continuity, and occurred well before the Mending created the current list of planeswalkers, but her planeswalking resulted in her impressing some monks on Regatha enough to found a school that Chandra later attended.

Giving it some thought, I say screw a movie. There is too freaking much lore to this game for one movie, or even the standard trilogy. This is material for a TV series at the least. Give it the necessary amount of time to cover everything, and you can do card blocks as seasons, if you had to tie it to the cards more.

[Edited by terakhan on 1/Mar/14 at 2:46PM]
Date Posted: Sat Mar/01/14 at 5:54pm

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With all due respect to the jester, I was referring to the Dwarf's link of hotties that he wanted discussed.
Date Posted: Sat Mar/01/14 at 6:16pm

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Special movie cards? Right? Right? A set of cards with the pictures straight out of the movie? How could they pass that up? Else they would do the "M1_ Core Set" in that manor.
Date Posted: Wed Mar/05/14 at 12:20am

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Okay just had an amusing thought...

*Warning the following may be offensive to some people. If you do not have a humorous outlook on things please do not read.*

Or do so...see if I give a damn...


The Plot: All major planeswalkers serve as teachers in the...MAGIC academy...a sort of GATHERING...for all THE kids who have the planeswalker spark.

The Cast:

Jace: The Blue Mana Teacher. Calm and level headed, but fiercely protective of his students.

Chandra: Red Mana Teacher. Hot headed and slightly...awkward. Played for comedic anger sequences and the occasional crush on Jace. Also doubles as the academy gym teacher for maximum smexyness...

Garruk: Green Mana Teacher. Gruff yet friendly. Serves as a down to earth character. Coach of the academy's [Insert Magical sport here]. Usually used to teach the main characters some bulls#$t lesson or something.

Nicol Bolas: Black Mana Teacher. Disguises himself as generic black mage who is kind of edgy. Seems borderline creepy/way to helpful. Is secretly running the show behind the scenes and will serve as the big bad in later seasons. Also dragon transformation sequence with the following dialogue: "And now for my...CRUSHING MASTERSTROKE!" This is followed by him collapsing the academy rooftop to take to the skies for the first final battle. (Followed by roughly eight more...each more final than the last.

Elspeth Tirel: White Mana Teacher. Genuinely pure of heart. Typical Paladin. Is constantly picked on by Chandra for not being a whore. Has a crush on Soren Markov. Cue Twilight memes. Also Random smexyness, obligatory beach episode featuring swimsuits NO EXCEPTIONS. Potentially mind numbing Garruk in speedo sequence for maximum WTF factor.

(When I say kid I of course mean that in the anime please no crying out LOLICON!)

Generic Walker Kid A: Wants to be king of the-er...master of screw it. Kid wants to master all mana colors. Ancient prophecy bullcrap followed by vast amounts of horrible, horrible voice acting. Kid's starting element will be Blue. So Jace can have a teacher's pet, and he has to choose between good (white) and evil (black). Oh and angst. His mom, dad, and dog were all crushed/eaten/corrupted by Ulamog's Crushers/Phyrexians/Wurms.

Generic Kid B: Pervert and potential love interest/rapist for kid A. Will ogle anything with a feminine form. Unless Kid B is female, then it is all the wang jokes. ALL OF THEM. Hopeless pervert is hopeless. Element is red and blue. Spells cast will have a purple aura and hopelessly depraved. Tentacle creatures will always be followed by hentai references...because lazy writing is lazy.

Generic Kid C: Nerd and Mary Sue. Will probably sacrifice self in first final battle just so the audience kinda remembers him when he comes back as a ghost in season eight to explain the unearth mechanic.

And that's it so far...Yay...caffeine high is best high... 0_e *Twitch Twitch*
Date Posted: Wed Mar/05/14 at 10:18am

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Few suggestions.

Some time around S3 Garruk gets all veil cursed and goes crazy. Liliana as BBEG for first few seasons. As the principle of a rival school. (Secretly working with Bolas). Garruk is replaced by Gideon Jura creating Sorrin, Elspeth, Gideon love triangle.

Nissa: Principle of stuck up green mana elf based walker school. The friendly rival school with focus on tribal magic.

Ral Zaerek shows up to teach Kid2 the value of chaos and unlock a higher power level for later seasons.

Ajani as a crazy homeless vagrant who is on to Bolas from the start. Teaches them about using enemy colors to achieve ends.

Chromium: Nicol Bolas adopts a siblings persona so he can act as a dragon without revealing himself.

Date Posted: Wed Mar/05/14 at 12:51pm

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Side Plots:

Niv Mizzet: Hosts a dragon's maze tournament! Winner will gain favor of the fire mind and be allowed to be his pupil. Nerdy Mary Sue will win contest, but due to his/her attachment to friends will not accept the honor. Effectively pissing off Niv Mizzet and forcing him to leave in a huff.

Tezzeret the Seeker: Random treasure hunting episode. Hilarity ensues as the greatest treasure of friendship *Vomits*

Tibalt: Shows up as a classic lesson character about the dangers of giving in to the evil side of power abuse. Cue spiderman moral, but reworded to avoid copy right infringement and plagarism.

Random lolwut? episode: They unleash an eldrazi on the school, but on the plane the school is located Eldrazi are scaled down to chia pet size...enjoy.
Date Posted: Wed Mar/05/14 at 1:15pm

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Kiora: The beach episode wouldn't be complete without a kraken... and more fanservice.

Karn: Machine shop teacher.

Domori: Runs the cafeteria, will start food fights.

Xenegos: Too busy having fun to care, substitute teacher

Sarkhan: Second BBEG there to increase overall powerlevel of the show.

Koth: Sometime on S5 will show up and to introduce Phrexians

Venser: Played as oddcouple off Koth, he's the funny one. Dies to show how dangerous Phrexians are.

Random Episode: The old Conjurer's closet is supposed to be haunted. Planeswalkers show up and have to fight off Liliana's specter which keeps appearing and disappearing and taking pages from their spellbooks. (An episode where they either harness green or red artifact removal or tap into black mana to retrieve stolen spellbook pages.)
Date Posted: Wed Mar/05/14 at 6:22pm

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Can Tibalt be a love interest to Chandra AND Nicol Bolas?
Date Posted: Thu Mar/06/14 at 5:13pm

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Hey, you forgot about Liliana. She could be the nurse or librarian. I'd go more towards nurse. Don't know about you guys, but the nurse at my school was a creepy bitch. Then I hit puberty (early I might add.) and she wasn't creepy anymore. Pretty hot actually. (parallel here is Liliana Vess to Liliana of the Veil.) Always has a valueless lesson for the students from the inevitable visits caused by injuries sustained from (insert magical game here). Gotta have the random ghost characters too. So, Ihsan's Shade would make an appearance as the groundskeeper, Sorin Markov could lead the black house..err...dorm...whatever. A "hidden" dorm leader for the red form could be Ryusei. Leader for the white dorm could be Gideon. Green would have to be a toss up between a couple of high profile characters. Blue, Tezzerete hands down. Have Urza's ghost teaching temporal physics. Mishra could teach "shop" classes. (see what I did there?!) Mishra would have to exceptionally foul tempered and have a REALLY epic voice. (M:TG Battlegrounds...member?) Have a random Llanowar Elf teaching herbology. Samite Healers teach potions class. God...finally went off the deep end. *walks away muttering*
Date Posted: Thu Mar/06/14 at 5:53pm

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I had her as the principle of a rival school
Date Posted: Thu Mar/06/14 at 5:53pm

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[Edited by Twogunkid on 6/Mar/14 at 5:54PM]
Date Posted: Sat Mar/08/14 at 9:21pm

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I remember years ago that there was another rumor circling the rumor mill about a MTG movie where there was a supposed poster made up about the Weatherlight Saga and you saw Schwarzenegger as Karn. Done before the Urza's block came out. It was later revealed to be a hoax.

I suppose expand on what Boyachi has mentioned with all the various story arcs it might be prudent to start at the beginning. The Brother's War (though I do agree its part of the "artifacts cycle") is a good place to start, though why not start with the prequel of sorts with The Thran.

I do agree with Terakhan up until the end of the Invasion block Urza was a theme throughout the entire block. I don't think there was ever a biggest influence to the story since from the star. And keep in mind Karn was his creation and he created Mirrodian, which eventually became New Phyrexa.

I suppose there might be two ways to attack the idea of a move, or maybe movie franchise.
First:There are the The Planes-walker's Tales graphic novels and the Novels centering around Jace, Chandra and Tezzeret (well the lat one also has a healthy dose of Bolas himself) which could focus the movie on the overall plays between the various Planes-walkers done similar to how the immortals were fighting each other in the Highlander franchise.
Second: the set-based stories based on all the various expansions. Since there is about 4 dozen of these books covering roughly 16 major blocks (11 with 3-book story arcs, the 4 for the Lorwin-Shawomoor block, and a booklette for Alara, and a single book for Znedikar, Mirrodian and the 3-parter e-book novellas to RoR) it might be best for a serial. I suppose if done correctly each of the block could be condensed to about a 60 or 90 minute animated movie that covers the major points. It would make a nice little box-set of about 15 disks.

...which springs to mind I am surprised that before Lucas sold his company to Disney that he didn't create a master box set of all 6 movies (both version of the original trilogy) plus the origins trilogy just to fleece the fans.
Date Posted: Sun Mar/09/14 at 8:39pm

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On the topic of Lucas, I have question:
Recently I saw what looked like an advertisement for Clone Wars, which made me believe there would be a new season.
Last I checked Cartoon Network had the rights to that series.
Cartoon Network is owned by (or at least was) Hanna Barbara and exo facto Warner Bros.
Warner Bros and Disney (last I checked) were like Coke and Pepsi. Am I missing something here, or does this therefore mean that Disney has some ownership of Warner?
This would mean as far as movie rights (aside what Fox still owns) Disney owns the rights for Marvel AND DC Comics????

If they are going to do a block in ninety minutes and make it a trilogy...(this maybe bias on my part) it would have to be Artifact Cycle (Antiquites+Urza's block) first, Tempest Block, and Invasion Block. My problem with this is that due to the removal of Nemesis, Gerrard's villains (Volrath and Crovax) would probably be merged, due to the movie going populace missing vital plot points. Sure we can kill off Hanna in a flashback, but unless the sum of Nemesis was the intro to the Invasion Block movie (it would have to be about two to ten minutes) they would have to just merge them, probably into a new villain, or Gix, or Tsabo Tavoc, or some new person/thing.
As far as the Thran, there would be two key points to minute flashback the origins of Yawgmoth and the powerstones: When Urza and Mishra first get the Might and Weak stones or when Urza becomes a planeswalker. As far as Yawgmoth coming into power, this would be excellently placed in a dream of one of the brothers that night (probably Urza).

My problem with doing a block in a movie is that some of the sets have so much relevant plot that they'd almost require their own movie themselves, while others (Masques and Prophecy) had little to do with the overarching plot.

Let's be honest here though, Wizards will never do a Pre Jace planeswalker movie, because the planeswalkers of the days of yore could stomp Jace and his ken flat with but a notion. Considering that the standards of Planeswalkers are what they currently are, they'd probably want to keep that amount of power in relation to the cards that they are currently releasing.

This is such BS. Unless they create their own storyline, nothing is really going to make sense if they are looking at the marketing to go with the movie. Innistrad is too scary for children, RTR sources back to Ravinca, Scars of Mirrodin requires Karn, who is still powerful enough to make his own Plane, Theros is sort of left field for MtG...Any other block ideas?
Date Posted: Sun Mar/09/14 at 9:02pm

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Boyachi, to maybe answer what you posed about the Clone Wars cartoon, i was reading on-line a while ago that there was a (I believe it was a sixth) final season planned but was abruptly cancelled before it was aired so it is, or was, when I was reading it.

Disney I know owns Marvel because of it's chapter 11 bankruptcy back in the mid to late 90's and we all know George sold Lucasfilm to Disney. I believe DC is still, relatively speaking, independent.

I do agree that the "main" Dominiara story arch would be from about the stronghold block the Invasion block and I do agree with Boyachi that the Mercadian Masques and Prophesy could be pretty much trimmed out from the stories. But as you did mention it becomes a balance of how accurately they put the major points into the presentation. As a counterpoint, could the Thran and the artifacts cycle be merged into one story?

With how the Planeswalkers are no presented, that's kinda why the Time Spiral block was done, to change the Planeswalkers form Q-like beings to something a lot more .... relocatable?
Date Posted: Sun Mar/09/14 at 9:05pm

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DC is owned by Warner Bros. Disney acquired the rights to Marvel sometime in early 2012 for all lot of dollars.
Date Posted: Mon Mar/10/14 at 11:35pm

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I know that Warner has DC, my question was if Disney had Warner, to which it currently seems they want us to believe.

Minute one: Open up to show the grand Thran City (of which the name I have forgotten).
Minute two: Show the madness of the revolts.
Minute three: Show the court. "Yawgmoth knows how to combat this sickness." "Preposterous, Yawgmoth is an arse!""You're mom's an arse!"
Minute four: Yawgmoth appears with his cloak looking sinister with false sincerety. Dyfed walks in. "I am a planeswalker, obvserve."
Minute Five: Dyfed shows off the original Phyrexia. "This was created by a planeswalker, much like myself, but far older.
Minute Six: You see Yawgmoth get more sinister, the revolts worsen, with Glacian (the head of the council) sick, Yawgmoth calls martial law and the ability to command the government (a la Senator Palpatine from SW:II).
Minute Seven: Return to Yawgmoth stabbing Dyfed in the head, quick wash over to his laboratory where there is a gruesome scene of him pulling out the spark from her skull (or block the head to appease the FCC).
Minute Eight: Yawgmoth steps back into Phyrexia and starts to expands as a darkness, explosions start ripping the Thran City apart.
Minute Nine-eleven: Loran (Glacian's wife, who has been beside him for most of the time he appears) runs into Yawg's laboratory to find Dyfed and looks in horror, runs through the hallways with quick shot changes via rapid editing to Glacian who points to the power stone (power stones? it's been awhile, I forget if it started as one or two) in his chest. "Stop...him...don't let us all die in vain...don't let me...."
Minute Twelve: Loran walks determined to the portal as Yawgmoth goads her to join him, to make her perfect as his darkness seeps from the portal. Continuous cutting from this to engines starting up with increasing fervor. Yawg: "You can't leave anyway... the poison from the bombs will end your existence. Live forever with me, be perfect with me, Loran."
Minute thirteen: Loran puts the power stone(s together) onto the dias closing the portal. Y: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The engine shots zoom out to show the glimmer moon rising.
Minute fourteen: Loran Ascends into the clouds as the glimmer moon hits rises to its pinnacle in the night's sky.
Minute fifteen: " X amount of years later" is on the screen, as the sky shot pans down to show the Kolios archeological dig site. Moving towards the ten of the brothers' mentor. (Begin the Brother's War/the Artifact cycle).
Date Posted: Sun Mar/23/14 at 11:24pm

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you do know that there was a hoax about a mtg movie years ago... when mtg was in its most popular times...
it was an april fools joke by inquest magazine and wizards of the coast, an advertisement for a MTG movie that was supposed to star jim carrey, arnold schwartzneger, sarah michell gellar, and brad pitt ... supposedly directed by ridley scott (still have the advertisement somewhere, it was pretty convincing at the time).... the movie was never made, nor was it intended to be made

if they do actually make a movie about MTG, then it is to push the sales of the CCG more, and sell other crap that no one would otherwise buy, it is a quick cash-grab if they are actually making it and it not being a hoax like the last time

expect the CCG to get a sudden influx of new people, but because of the numbers of new people, the card prices will drop like a stone (like pokemon did when the movie came out) and expect the older collectors to start to leave the game, flooding the market and lowering the prices as a result (supply/demand)
Date Posted: Sun Mar/23/14 at 11:42pm

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Draco_lich -- THANK YOU!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I remember seeing the little article and picture about the supposed poster.

Come to think of it, are people playing Pokemon anymore? There's been what? A dozen or so movies about it out, practically one every other set. And I volunteered in a little gaming store when there still was the Polemon League and they were giving out the trainer badges, come to think of it it was around the time the first movie came out.

And what about YuGiOh? no movies but I haven't seen anyone play it in years.

Biggest question I have for the story-lines of both where the hell are the kid's parents? There's a bunch of kids running around chasing critters and playing cards (respectfully) and there's hardly an adult in sight.
Date Posted: Mon Mar/24/14 at 1:09am

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the reason the prices will drop like a stone is because they will print a lot more cards to keep up to demand... look at fallen empires, it was expensive when it first came out, but after it was out for a while and a lot of packs left... it got very cheap to buy, i recall getting a lot of sealed fallen empires packs for 50 cents (normal price was 4 dollars) from a local store
Date Posted: Mon Mar/24/14 at 8:56am

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I can tell you that kids still play Yu Gi Oh and Pokémon (though honestly the group I've seen have no idea how to properly play either of them (it would be like us playing MTG with unlimited mana with only creatures and ignoring the text box entirely).

You bring up a good point about supply and demand...but what if they didn't print extra for the rush, like how Nintendo first did with the Wii? People were going crazy to get it sheerly on the fact that they couldn't. Which means singles of the set would have a great increase of value (assuming they aren't crappy).
Date Posted: Mon Mar/24/14 at 10:20am

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YuGiOh did have two movies, in theaters no less. I can play both them and poke'mon. But YuGiOh's ban list is almost constantly updated, almost nothing can be printed without like 4 or 5 cards from a set getting banned. The game like Poke'mon is also full of power creep.
Date Posted: Mon Mar/24/14 at 11:59am

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if they are going to print more to cash in on the sales from the movies, wotc will likely be printing a future set earlier, to get a jump on the print amounts, like they did with fallen empires and chronicles (which were both printed at the same time)

now that places like eb games and walmart are stocking mtg cards, it is only a matter of time for the market to saturate

remember... to companies like wotc, printing cards is equal to basically printing cash

sets just prior to the rush will be worth a lot... like cards from sets like the dark and antiquities...

legends was pricey for another reason... demand remained the same, yet supply got screwed up, because whenever they got shipped to countries other than the US (canada for example, this is before they shipped to countries other than north america, and they were only printed in english at that time), customs agents had them stopped at the border because of the foil packaging, thinking it was a possible contraban (as smugglers would often use foil wrap so dogs could not sniff contents), and they opened all the packs and had them disposed of, as per border and customs regulations when there is no way to repack them for the commodity sale that they were intended for.

as a result, unopened packs of legends became rare and expensive

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