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Title: Question about the ability "Transmute"
Date Posted: Fri Dec/27/13 at 1:49pm

Posts: 94
Joined: 18-Dec-13

Hi all, I was wondering if Training Grounds can reduce the activation cost of abilities such as transmute or cycle as well.
Any Suggestion?

I paste the link where I've found some explanation about the ability:

From the Comprehensive Rules:
702.52. Transmute
702.52a Transmute is an activated ability that functions only while the card with transmute is in a player’s hand. “Transmute [cost]” means “[Cost], Discard this card: Search your library for a card with the same converted mana cost as the discarded card, reveal that card, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library. Play this ability only any time you could play a sorcery.”
702.52b Although the transmute ability is playable only if the card is in a player’s hand, it continues to exist while the object is in play and in all other zones. Therefore objects with transmute will be affected by effects that depend on objects having one or more activated abilities.

[Edited by Dusk on 27/Dec/13 at 2:01PM]
Date Posted: Fri Dec/27/13 at 3:34pm

Posts: 535
Joined: 30-Oct-12

I'm not familiar with training ground, but it seems like it reduces casting costs. It won't reduce activation costs. Transmute is tit for tat. Pay and do this then get this in return.
Date Posted: Fri Dec/27/13 at 3:52pm

Posts: 94
Joined: 18-Dec-13

No, it does. It reduces activation costs of creatures I control; that's why I was posting the question
Date Posted: Fri Dec/27/13 at 3:55pm

Posts: 636
Joined: 24-Mar-13

Training Grounds only affects creatures you control, meaning creature cards (including cards that are not normally creatures but are at the moment because of abilities) and/or tokens on the battlefield under your control. Nothing else, anywhere else.
Date Posted: Fri Dec/27/13 at 4:17pm

Posts: 94
Joined: 18-Dec-13

So we can activate abilities of these creatures although we don't control them because they're not in play. I've got it. Thank you
Date Posted: Fri Dec/27/13 at 11:19pm

Posts: 2609
Joined: 22-Jan-10

Terakhan hit the nail on the head. Activated abilities only exist on permanents. And permanents only exist in play.(believe me if it worked the other way I'd be a little pumped. Imagine the flashback and buyback possibilities.)

[Edited by Twogunkid on 27/Dec/13 at 11:20PM]
Date Posted: Sat Dec/28/13 at 12:11am

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

Activated abilities only exist on permanents

Thats not true since transmute and cycling are both activited abilities, and are found on spells as well ie. perplex

So we can activate abilities of these creatures although we don't control them because they're not in play.

No, you can only activate abilities if you control the source of the ability.  (The "you control" wording on training grounds only means that you get the benefit. some older cards that offered reductions like this would give the reduction to every player:  heartstone for example)


To summarize what Terekahn and two gun said...

Creatures (and other permanents) only exist on the battlefield, in all other zones they are cards

If an effect refers to a creature (like training grounds) it applies to only to permanents on the battlefield

If the effect refers to creature cards (see summoners pact) then it refers to cards in other zones. 

(Take a look at conspiracy-see how it has to refer creature cards to get other zones, and creatures to get the battlefield, compare with xenograft which only affects the battlefield)

Training grounds only effects creatures, transmute and cycling can only be done while cards

training ground doesn't effect cards so no reduction

tip:  rings of brighthearth is fun with transmute

[Edited by gericault5 on 28/Dec/13 at 12:15AM]
Date Posted: Sat Dec/28/13 at 5:35am

Posts: 94
Joined: 18-Dec-13

Thank you for the long explanation. I feel a bit stupid for posting this question since I have seen only today that all the rules are shown on the gatherer's page oabout training grounds...
Thank you also for the tip!
Date Posted: Sat Dec/28/13 at 6:51am

Posts: 1370
Joined: 30-Nov-11

Another good resource is
There you also find all Card rulings. E.g.
6/15/2010: Training Grounds affects only creatures you control on the battlefield. The costs of activated abilities that work in other zones (such as cycling or unearth) won't be reduced.

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