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Title: Random Combo Game
Date Posted: Mon May/13/13 at 12:44pm

Posts: 424
Joined: 20-Nov-08

Here's the challenge:  go to Gatherer and hit Random.  Whatever card comes up, as long as it's not a basic land or vanilla creature, build a combo off of it!  But wait, it's not that easy, before you get too anxious, do a search here.  If the card's been used in a combo here you can't use it!!!
Point system is as follows:
Starting with 100 points
Infinite: +5 points per infinite generation (mana, life, life loss, life drain, damage, draw, mill, creatures, turns, attacks, etc)
Color: -(x^3) point per color beyond the starter card's color
Cards: -(x^2) points per card beyond 2
Cost: -2 for each mana needed to start the combo
Legality: +5 for each format it's legal in counting only Commander, Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Extended, Standard, Block
Turn: -(x^2) for the turn number needed to pull of the combo with the cards listed and basic lands
Style: +10 points if you can claim this combo does something cool beyond how it functionally works (ie. uses cards with the same artist, pictures tell a story, same character is making the quotes in the flavor text)
Tally up your points on or in reply to your post and you'll be in the running, and you can make as many entries as you want!  This challenge will last a week, winner will get a digital high five :).
The example below is for Point Tallying purposes, it and it's cards have already been posted in other combos:
Card pulled from gatherer: Bloom Tender
Bloom Tender + Freed from the Real
Enchant Bloom Tender with Freed From the Real and it can tap for blue and green mana, use the blue to untap it, and do it again and again and again!
Start: 100 points
Infinite Mana: +5 points
Color (1 color beyond starter card's color): -(1^3)= -1 point
Cards (0 cards beyond 2): -(0^2)= -0 points
Cost (5 mana needed): -2*5= -10
Legality Commander, Vintage, Legacy, Modern: +20
Turn 3: -(3^2)= -9
Style: +0
Total 100+5-1-0-10+20-9+0=
105 Points
Good luck and happy comboing!

Date Posted: Mon May/13/13 at 2:33pm

Posts: 1553
Joined: 02-Nov-11

Goblin Shortcutter

Goblin Shortcutter, Pinpoint Avalance, Search for Survivors

Get a Red Trample Creature, Shortcut one of them and Pinpoint any creature that does end up hitting it. If any of your creatures die, test your luck with Search for Survivors.

Start: 100 points
Infinite Mana: +0(5) points
Color (1 color beyond starter card's color): -(n^3)= -0 point
Cards (0 cards beyond 2): -(n^2)= -1 points
Cost (10 mana needed): -2*n= -20
Legality Commander, Vintage, Legacy, Modern: +20
Turn 10: -(n^2)= -100 XD
Style: +10. (The Goblin leads the opponent's creature into a pinpoint avalanche and then searches for survivors!)
Total 100-0-0-1-20+20-100+10=

9 Points

At least my combo had style!

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