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Title: guild alliances
Date Posted: Mon Apr/08/13 at 11:43am

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

so the whole puzzle of which guild is aligned with what intrigues me. with beck/call suggesting the simic and azorius alliance, and knowing there tricolored and a gtc guild is paired with rtr, its possible to deduce the other pairings

w- with azorious in blue, selensya has to be white for RTR. that leaves orhov/boros for gtc. with dimir unable to be blue, they have to be black, which pushs orhov into white and boros into red
g-only unpaired guilds with G golgari/gruul, and 1 from each set. match
b-already determined dimir for gtc, only 1 rtr guild with black left
r-only two guilds remain unpaired and they both have red

so my final predictions
u- simic/azorious
w- orzhov/selensya
g- golgari/gruul
r- izzet/boros
b- dimir/radkos

bwg is my favorite tricolor combo, and i can understand orzhov/selsnya story wise. but playwise it seems to be an odd mix
Date Posted: Mon Apr/08/13 at 3:03pm

Posts: 293
Joined: 13-Jan-13

How do you justify Orzhov/Selesnya?
Date Posted: Mon Apr/08/13 at 9:13pm

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

guess I wasn't clear above I'll break my thoughts down
1) Fact:  the guilds are paired 1 RTR with 1GTC guild
2) Fact:  The pairings will be tricolored, with only 145 cards going quad color is to much for such a small set  EDIT:  This is confirmed by Maro, its not a 3 color set just has that focus
3) Assumption:  Since the pairings will be tricolored, it can be assumed each matchup will have an overlapping color. 
4) Assumption:  Since the guilds are paired by a color and there will be 5 pairs it can be assumed each color will pair two guilds
5) Assumption:  The new card Beck/Call has the Simic and Azorious watermarks (  Only reason them to have them both on a card capable of working together is if they are working together.  This pairing would then take the blue slot
Now we have the assumptions and facts out of the way, lets justify
Based on 4 above the only guilds that can be paired via white are Azorious, Selensya, Boros, Orzhov. 
 RTR guild:  Since 5 above shows Azorious and Simic are paired by blue that takes Azor out of the white running.  So based on 1, as the only RTR white guild remaining Selensya has to be paired via White
GTC guild:  Options are boros or orhzov.  Dimir can only be blue or black.  Based on 5 above Simic holds the GTC space for the blue pairing, so Dimir has to have the black spot.  Which means Orzhov can't have the it, so Orzhov has to have white one
And that is how I justify Orzhov and Selensya

[Edited by gericault5 on 8/Apr/13 at 10:09PM]

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