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Title: Dbl strike, lifelink, and trample
Date Posted: Fri Dec/21/12 at 11:10am

Posts: 123
Joined: 04-Nov-12

How would this work?
Date Posted: Fri Dec/21/12 at 11:34am

Posts: 202
Joined: 14-Mar-12

It's tough and requires some calculations...

If you have a 3/3 double strike, lifelink and it gets blocked by a 3/3, you'd only gain 3 life because after the first strike damage is applied the creature blocking it is killed and there is no body to hit for the second strike. If he has trample now, then you'd gain 6 life: 3 from the creature (creature is killed), then 3 straight to the defending player since the blocking creatures toughness is now 0.

That's generally how it works, but was there a specific scenario that you were confused about?
Date Posted: Fri Dec/21/12 at 1:30pm

Posts: 123
Joined: 04-Nov-12

no,that about it thanks

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