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Title: Should I open Night of the Ninja??
Date Posted: Wed Nov/21/12 at 7:54pm

Posts: 202
Joined: 14-Mar-12

Hey guys, I just got the Planechase 2012 precon for Night of the Ninja. It was a steal from Wal-Mart at only $28 after tax. Some places on the web have it for over $40 because of the value of certain cards in it (mostly 2x Baleful Strix). I'm seriously debating hanging on to it unopened and letting it increase in value so I can sell it later. If I had a time machine I would have done this for all of the Commander precons because they shot up in value recently and I got stuck with the only 2 that didn't end up having tremendous value (no Scavenging Ooze for me...-_-). I just wanted some other opinions on the subject because I really want to open it, but I have a feeling like it will go way up in value like the older Planechase and the Commander sets. But the only thing that's nagging at me is whether or not people even buy these damn things at such high prices. On eBay you can buy the Heavenly Inferno or the Counterpunch unopened for upwards of $70. That's a lot of money, and a lot of profit to be made, but do they ever actually sell?? Even if I do muster up the willpower to not open this box, will it even be worth it to try and sell it in the future??
Date Posted: Wed Nov/21/12 at 8:53pm

Posts: 535
Joined: 30-Oct-12

Depends on how the market is doing when you deside to sell it. Thanks to Obama (pronounced Oh Bama), our economy is still in the shitter. So, if you want to turn a profit on it, good fucking luck.

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