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Title: Story deck article 1
Date Posted: Tue Oct/09/12 at 12:19pm

Posts: 1771
Joined: 16-Dec-08

We all know telling a good story is a lot like...a good beastiality fanfic...

Amy X Rouge - The Bus Can Wait - sonic-couples Fan Art

Remember kids...send your hatemail to Dyingjester

But poorly made visual humor aside...let's get down to business as far as story building goes...

Story 1: Beauty and the Beast

For this beastiality fic to work we need a pair of lovers that were meant to be...So let me introduce the young they are...


Now I know what your thinking...they could make some lovely music together...

But what would a young couple do with such potential? Well I think it's obvious...

Quillspike x4

Helix Pentacle x4

Prescence of Gond x4

Green Sun's Zenith x4

Elvish Harbinger x4

Wellwisher x4

Mana Reflection x4

Devoted Druid x4

Sprout Swarm x4

Well the deck tells an interesting story to say the see Wellwisher and Elvish Harbinger support Devoted Druid's choice for a lover...and will gladly help them live to shout the tale...

And that's it for my Story deck article...I hope you enjoyed week I'm going to use another randomly chosen topic from a list of terms I have...

Okay...maybe it's time to rethink my word pool...hamster pencil magnificent bastard you.

[Edited by Dyingjester on 9/Oct/12 at 12:20PM]

[Edited by Dyingjester on 9/Oct/12 at 12:22PM]

[Edited by Dyingjester on 9/Oct/12 at 1:18PM]

[Edited by Dyingjester on 11/Oct/12 at 9:52PM]
Date Posted: Tue Oct/09/12 at 9:30pm

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

Note from the Editor,

Lawyers have informed us Melira refuses to let Mrs. Druid do any work other then lying down.  A  fair payment payment was offered to Mrs. Druid, however, Melira won't let her accept it.  Further negoations have proven useless as the couple won't let the public eye witness them making "whoopee".

As such we regret we need to discontinue this storyline.

Date Posted: Thu Oct/11/12 at 6:53pm

Posts: 354
Joined: 19-Apr-12

Are you saying the combo won't work?
Date Posted: Thu Oct/11/12 at 9:42pm

Posts: 1771
Joined: 16-Dec-08

Why it no work? If so I owe so many people rematches.... T^T

Just looked it up dammit...I'm sorry guys...I'll do better next article...I swear...

It was one big beautiful dream...perverted, but still a beautiful... WAH!! T^T
Date Posted: Thu Oct/11/12 at 9:53pm

Posts: 1771
Joined: 16-Dec-08

Okay revised my story...It's about an elf...that falls in love with a non-sentient the whole marrying goats thing...look I'm trying okay?
Date Posted: Fri Oct/12/12 at 11:59am

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

sorry dying - though you could add flourishing defenses and take the quill/druid mutant offspring route

 Elvish Aberration

@spiderman -melira prevents putting -1 counters on creatures so you can't pay druids cost to untap


[Edited by gericault5 on 12/Oct/12 at 3:09PM]
Date Posted: Thu Oct/18/12 at 9:45pm

Posts: 7
Joined: 06-Oct-12


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