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Title: Fighting the Horde
Date Posted: Thu Dec/01/11 at 8:06pm

Posts: 1553
Joined: 02-Nov-11

First off I hope people caught this article. I was rather unlucky with finding zombies, so I raided the closest (read: the only one in fifty miles) of all the tokens they had and then had a 600? card deck with the casting cost cards all being black (mostly zombies, but there were some great non zombie spells) and I have to say, it needs some tweaking, but it is very entertaining.

Has anyone else tried this out? I have some ideas where I want to take this deck, but have a bunch of good cards to use(and not use, good lord the crap cards that become devastating!), but I still need a few more casting cost cards to even it all out. (I feel as though Island Sanctuary should not be required as the primary source of survival when playing in tandem with three other people).
Date Posted: Thu Dec/01/11 at 8:33pm

Posts: 157
Joined: 10-Sep-11
Date Posted: Fri Dec/02/11 at 12:52pm

Posts: 1553
Joined: 02-Nov-11

Has anyone else here tried it with tokens other than zombies? I find the elementals and oozes that are */* are fun to play with, as they can stand for just about anything: all lands in play, all players' cards in hand, tokens in play/graveyard, ____ permanents play/graveyard, etc.

Any other good ideas for those? Amount of turns the horde has had? Number of people in the room? Times that people have said a specific word?
Date Posted: Fri Mar/14/14 at 8:53am

Posts: 1553
Joined: 02-Nov-11

Yesterday I bought a "Challenge the Horde" deck. It's more or less like the horde expect they watered it down to be only a real challenge for one player. I took three pauper decks to it and tore it a new one.
Supposedly the artifacts make it harder, but my damage output milled all of them.
If anyone wants to build a better horde deck (say, one that can actually fight back while still not making its own choices, I made a list here:

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