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Title: Needing some fresh suggestions....
Date Posted: Fri Feb/26/10 at 11:48am

Posts: 327
Joined: 01-Feb-10

I'm currently working on a new deck and need some suggestions on some good synergy cards to include.
I'm starting with these cards:

Cradle of Vitality
Etched Oracle
Skarrgan Pit-Skulk
Paladin of Prahv
Rest for the Weary
Life Burst

Obviously, the idea is to use "life gain counters" to pump some unblockables and other counter-friendly creatures. But as always, you can't lock yourself into one card like the Cradle. So I need some other options to exploit the deck's synergy. I've been leaning toward the W/G route, but I'm open to other suggestions.
Other cards I've been considering are:

Ageless Entity
Divinity of Pride
Daru Stinger
Quest for the Gemblades
Soul's Might

I also considered the modular route, but just not feeling it.....I hated affinity with a passion. So anything you guys could offer up would be greatly appreciated. Maybe you can think of something I've overlooked.
Date Posted: Fri Feb/26/10 at 12:33pm

Posts: 496
Joined: 04-Nov-09

ok the system has deleted what i wrote two time now when i submitted so i will make this short and sweet.

cards i like:

Cradle of Vitality, Skarrgan Pit-Skulk, Paladin of Prahv, Rest for the Weary, Divinity of Pride, Daru Stinger, Quest for the Gemblades, Soul's Might

cards i don't:

Etched Oracle, Triskelion, Gristleback

card i am impartial:

Spincrusher (would take this over triskelion), Life Burst (Rest for the Weary has more potential personally)

cards i would add:

Basalisk Collar (the daru stinger added with quest for the Gemblades which will lead up to your bloodthirst ability), Felidar Sovereign by far should be in this deck.
Date Posted: Fri Feb/26/10 at 1:23pm

Posts: 327
Joined: 01-Feb-10

My thoughts on what ghostfire86 said....

Rest for the Weary : I agree with this over Life Burst, but simply wanted to play both to give myself more options for instant substantial life gain.

Spincrusher : I think this is a no-brainer for this deck. It's actually the first card I thought of to use with the Cradle. Pump life with Rest for the Weary, use the Cradle to add counters to Spincrusher, unblockable attack. Later, add more counters for more Grrrrr-factor.

Divinity of Pride :  The only reason I'm torn with this card, I'm not playing black with it at the moment.  5 white mana would be a stretch for a single critter.

Gristleback : I liked this card a lot. Having this pumped up, if it gets in trouble or you simply need a life gain, sac him and use the Cradle in response, essentially moving his counters to another creature.

Basilisk Collar : The only reason I am not using this right now.....the Daru Stinger would really be the only critter that could exploit it regularly. And if were going to use the collar in that manner, I would simply use it with Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile. But then, I'm not sure that would flow well with the +1/+1 counter idea. Unblockables could use the collar for the lifelink, but the deathtouch would go mainly unused, as they would be unblocked attacking critters.

Etched Oracle : For 2WW , you cast Rest for the Weary, activate the Cradle, put 8 counters on the you 6 cards to draw. Again, I think this is a no-brainer for this type of counter deck. Especially given that card-draw is limited in green and white. Your life gain would transfer to counters, then transfer to card-draw. Idk, then again, that might be too slow and unreliable card-draw.

Felidar Sovereign :  Simply too expensive and enters the playing field too late to exploit its use.  If I am using the Cradle to add counters to my critters,  I need 1W quite regularly, so I'll need to keep mana available. And really don't need that win condition with unblockables in the deck.

These are simply thoughts, by no means am I bashing your ideas. Keep 'em coming guys.....If you disagree with me, tell me why. Maybe I'll see the Also, any new ideas would be great!
Date Posted: Fri Feb/26/10 at 9:31pm

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

How partial are you to green.  Frankly i can see this idea going more the W/U route.  blue already has a number of unblockable creatures as well as discounts for artifacts, such as etched and spincrusher.  It also offers ways to protect your cradle and alot more draw options to find it.  If you decide to go blue, I would suggest--fate transfer, to move counters around, and steel of the godhand, lifelink and unblockable.

Another option would be to take the black route, sanguine bond becomes another win-con, you can add children of korlis (which would fit in your current build too) and tainted sigil, combined with some of blacks "pay life" effects like wall of blood or hatred

As for what is currently on the table- 

 I would take sun's bounty over life burst, due to its repeatable nature.  Rest for the weary would still be first.

I would add boon reflection= double your life, double your counters, though it is late coming. 

I would add wall of reverence = obvious reasons

Lastly I would add spirit en-del=white and green are not know for there unblockables, forecasting shadow will be a good replacement

I do think etch is to slow  for card draw, you might be better with harmonize

Ageless entity would be a good fit for this

Quest for the gemblades-if your unblockable only your blockers will do damage which will slow it down slot is better used for something else

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