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Title: It had to Be Asked (Price Spikes)
Date Posted: Fri Aug/12/11 at 9:00am

Posts: 2609
Joined: 22-Jan-10

How do you feel about pretty much every retailer launching the from the vault prices form suggrsted $34.99 to 120 for exiled at its release 90 for relics at its release and legends is already over 100 dollars. It makes me sick and upset, because they are making roughly 200% profit on every box sold. Id like to be able to get them but a 100 bucks at once is too much to be spending on a game. So how do you feel on retailers little cartel on prices?
Date Posted: Fri Aug/12/11 at 10:28am

Posts: 1771
Joined: 16-Dec-08

Well it does piss me off to some degree (as it should) But at the same time I get that in order to make a profit you gotta f$%k somebody over (I personally buy old games and systems such as mario kart from flea markets and such for 2$ then sell them back to people for 25$ It beats the other prices by 5$) Now tell me this. What if wizards didn't list the retail price for the item? Would you still feel like you were being ripped off? Of course not. It's all perspective. The above example is similar, does my customer know I bought the game for 2$ Hell no! he doesn' I gonna tell him? Hell no! I'm not. It's just how business works...we can't really blame someone for trying to get ahead of the game, when we know deep down that we would do the same thing if we had the resources.

-Sincerely yours,

Date Posted: Fri Aug/12/11 at 2:29pm

Posts: 909
Joined: 13-Apr-11

It's the same reason that the cards that Wizards release seem to get better and better. If the playability and power of the cards remained the same as expansions were released, people would be less inclined to buy more. But the reason that cards seems to keep getting better and better is that it forces consumers to buy more cards with each release to remain competitive. True, there are older cards that are unbelievably overpowered, but it all comes down to how to make money.

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