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Title: Mana Burn
Date Posted: Sat Jun/25/11 at 2:26pm

Posts: 1081
Joined: 04-Apr-11

When did they remove the mana burn rule?
Date Posted: Sat Jun/25/11 at 3:34pm

Posts: 2609
Joined: 22-Jan-10

to ruin my pgymy hippo deck
Date Posted: Sat Jun/25/11 at 3:42pm

Posts: 461
Joined: 23-Jan-10

When M10 was released, they decided to remove the rule because they thought that it was too hard for newcomers to untap their lands and they didn't want them to lose like that.
Date Posted: Sat Jun/25/11 at 4:00pm

lin sivvi
Posts: 1608
Joined: 14-Jan-10

I was assumed that people didn't really see any point in the mana burn rule, but it wasn't realized how many cards could really use it, also it proved to weaken gaining control of someones turn.
Date Posted: Sat Jun/25/11 at 4:05pm

Posts: 1081
Joined: 04-Apr-11

TwoGun, not WHY.  WHEN.  I remember hearing something about ruining a hippo deck.  lol
Date Posted: Sat Jun/25/11 at 6:58pm

Posts: 10194
Joined: 26-Oct-09

I realize the topic is about when mana burn was taken out, but, as it has already been answered, I want to give my opinion about it.

Mana burn was a pretty silly mechanic in the first place. It seems like a way to annoy new players. The only times that it actually affected people was with cards like Mana Flare, and very few people, if anybody, made a deck with only even numbered mana costs to make up for Mana Flare. It was kind of disappointing for cards like Stoneshaker Shaman and cool combo decks, but I think Wizards was just trying to make it appear like they were "progressing" by getting rid of old mechanics.
Date Posted: Sat Jun/25/11 at 7:04pm

lin sivvi
Posts: 1608
Joined: 14-Jan-10

Yeah, but those uses you mentioned I found to be very important.
Date Posted: Sat Jun/25/11 at 7:08pm

Posts: 10194
Joined: 26-Oct-09

I actually forgot about taking over someone's turn. Wizards most likely phased out Mana Burn because of Sorin Markov and Mindslaver et cetera.

[Edited by Turbine on 25/Jun/11 at 7:09PM]
Date Posted: Sun Jun/26/11 at 9:08am

Posts: 42
Joined: 11-Aug-10

the new rulings sure do make cards like doubling cube easier to use though
Date Posted: Sun Jun/26/11 at 10:36am

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

The purpose of the m10 rules change was to make the game more understandable for beginners. So they wouldn't be turned off by the complexity of it. For example, the combat damage uses the stack rule tha was elimanated. Beginners have a hard time understanding the stack as it is, when you throw in mogg fanatic shenagins its hard for the beginner. Elimate the rule and it just got a lot easier and more enjoyable for beginners.
Mana burn was the same way experienced players understood and worked around it while beginners were more like "I can have extra energy on my pokemon without hurting me why does having extra energy hurt me in this game. This sucks" elimante mana burn problem solved.
In the end only about 40 cards were effected some like doubling cube and tolarian acadamy and serra realm got better. While cards like mana drain and price of glory (or citadel of pain) got worse. And I'm going from memory here so forgive me if I wrote the wrong cards
Date Posted: Sun Jun/26/11 at 10:36am

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

The purpose of the m10 rules change was to make the game more understandable for beginners. So they wouldn't be turned off by the complexity of it. For example, the combat damage uses the stack rule tha was elimanated. Beginners have a hard time understanding the stack as it is, when you throw in mogg fanatic shenagins its hard for the beginner. Elimate the rule and it just got a lot easier and more enjoyable for beginners.
Mana burn was the same way experienced players understood and worked around it while beginners were more like "I can have extra energy on my pokemon without hurting me why does having extra energy hurt me in this game. This sucks" elimante mana burn problem solved.
In the end only about 40 cards were effected some like doubling cube and tolarian acadamy and serra realm got better. While cards like mana drain and price of glory (or citadel of pain) got worse. And I'm going from memory here so forgive me if I wrote the wrong cards
Date Posted: Sun Jun/26/11 at 10:58am

Posts: 1081
Joined: 04-Apr-11

Mana burn really was a concept that came with the game before it had growing pains and never had much bearing on the game.  Then as new cards came in and errata started being added to cards it was like the appendix rule of the game.  It served no purpose other than to add text to cards and even in Mana Flare cases you hardly ever saw someone even thinking about it.

As combos go I've only seen one or two actually used in a tournament of competitive setting and those had little bearing on the outcome.  Maybe you guys have seen more as the game has evolved and if its another mechanic that was overlooked then that is unfortunate, but I doubt it.

In the long run I'm happy to see it gone just so it is one more thing I don't have to remember anymore and I have enough to worry about with people taking control of my creatures or even my whole turn that mana burn just wasn't relevant. 

I once won a game with a single forest and 3 wild growths on it.  Just got land screwed hardcore.  I had Llanowar Elves and Birds of Paradise to balance out the mana, so even in that case I was able to make it work. 
Date Posted: Sun Jun/26/11 at 7:56pm

Posts: 1148
Joined: 24-May-10

I dismantled my Mana Barbs deck as soon as that rules change hit me in the face.

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