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Title: Is Magic not creative enough?
Date Posted: Tue Jun/14/11 at 7:52am

Posts: 1081
Joined: 04-Apr-11

So I was looking at some new game mechanics.  I thought it funny that we've just started seeing new mana symbols (such as pay B or 2 life) that work and the new Untap symbol, but I find it weird that this stuff is just coming up now. 

Then I see all the "take another turn" cards and I think, that is way over done!  Some of them are good, but others are broken. 

I've seen Magic grow substantially over the last few years.  After seeing the Eldrazi setting I think that is some crazy stuff and even though they are crazy, they are still good.  Magic designers could really start setting up mechanics that work against deck building just as much as color choice.  I know some of you have built a deck, played a game and realized the guy across from you inadvertantly has the deck that was custom built to defeat yours. 

Do you think Magic hasn't been creative enough with mechanics and rehashing old stuff because they don't have anything new or are they really creating stuff at a good solid pace?  Have they taken into account the metagame, deck mechanics, card choice, and fun factor?

Sound off.
Date Posted: Tue Jun/14/11 at 8:01am

Posts: 1771
Joined: 16-Dec-08

I'd say given the current standard play (which many players start off with.) They are having difficulty keeping it fun. As far as pace of mechanics, eh, are we ever happy with only a handful of mechanics? No, hell I still want more even though we have infect, metalcraft, and proliferate. The flavor of things is very epic now. (Mostly due to a storyline that didn't completely revolve around a d@mn planeswalker, Yes I'm glaring at you Tezzeret, burn in hell with you and your test of metal sh!t!) Other than that they're trying their best to please players. Though watching lightning bolt cycle with M11 Kinda bums me out. Oh well, glad I saved my shocks.
Date Posted: Tue Jun/14/11 at 8:46am

lin sivvi
Posts: 1608
Joined: 14-Jan-10

Here is the problem with magic, they aren't keeping up with their own themes, there were a lot of really cool mechanics I've seen that magic has just sort of let fall into the dust, take for instance the pacts, we saw them once and never again. This problem has been around pretty much since the beginning, that is why I loved timespirel, it brought back all the old themes, and mechanics.  If they actually kept bringing back old mechanics, (oh and I also loved conflux, they took and old theme, and put a new spin on it) then they could focus much more on balancing rather than making up so many new mechanics.
Date Posted: Tue Jun/14/11 at 9:00am

Posts: 1771
Joined: 16-Dec-08

True, but new mechanics are what makes the game fun and progresses it to the next level. (Yes I'm looking at you level up.)
Date Posted: Tue Jun/14/11 at 10:08am

lin sivvi
Posts: 1608
Joined: 14-Jan-10

Level up I believe suffered from the: "we rushed this out to fast and failed to properly balence it syndrome.
Date Posted: Tue Jun/14/11 at 10:43am

Posts: 1148
Joined: 24-May-10

Lin, I'd say that goes for all mechanics. I think the underlying problem is in the vast number of Johnnies out there that make it inevitable to break cards and mechanics in any new set that comes out.

But you get a lot of satisfaction when your combo plays out dontcha?
Date Posted: Tue Jun/14/11 at 10:43am

Posts: 1771
Joined: 16-Dec-08

It was pretty balanced power wise. the commons had decent buffs and the rares were sick. the uncommons were just meh.
Date Posted: Tue Jun/14/11 at 11:21am

Posts: 1081
Joined: 04-Apr-11

I think that is a good comment and should be the primary reason for expansions. 

In other words, the Expansion adds things to the game and the Primary set (Revised, 10th Edition, etc.) continues to use themes over time.  The primary edition could use just the cards that aren't broken and could continue to rotate out things.  The Expansion could have pieces of the old set as well and sort of phase them out or make a new spin on it. 

When I was playing Type 2 that would be your block, so Main Edition, Main Expansion and last 2 booster expansion.
Date Posted: Wed Jun/15/11 at 7:37pm

Posts: 5711
Joined: 08-Sep-09

that makes it more interesting and challenging and creative... Those Johnnies that break/use/exploit the otherwise seemingly unbreakable/usable/exploitable card... These's always someone out there that has a better deck than you... and the cards itself make the game more interesting... Varied gameplay enables players to be creative enough to find a way to win against a seemingly unbeatable deck...

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