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Title: Bludgeon brawl + artifact lands
Date Posted: Thu May/19/11 at 9:07pm

Posts: 557
Joined: 18-Apr-10

Bludgeon brawl makes artifacts into equipment..

so artifact lands would be equipment..

Despite this,
They give no benefit,
flavour-wise, this makes no sense,
would equiping THE ENTIRE LAND ITSELF, realistically...
make you really strong?

this kinda confused me... :P ...
Date Posted: Thu May/19/11 at 9:22pm

lin sivvi
Posts: 1608
Joined: 14-Jan-10

Simply, although your magic allows you to tow an entire landscape behind you, what good would it really do?
Date Posted: Thu May/19/11 at 9:27pm

Posts: 557
Joined: 18-Apr-10


But, flavour-wise,

bludgeon brawl is taking artifacts and them being equipment cause your swinging it around like a weapon :P ...
wouldnt you at least be able to take chunks of that land to use as a weapon? lol XD
Date Posted: Thu May/19/11 at 10:00pm

Posts: 5711
Joined: 08-Sep-09

though that would destroy the land and render it useless to you when it comes to producing mana...
Date Posted: Tue May/24/11 at 2:15pm

Posts: 1771
Joined: 16-Dec-08

Bludgeon brawl can lead to quite the epic moment. Take R/G for example. My 1/1 Llanowar Elf picks up a tower of calamities and beats you to death with it.
Date Posted: Tue May/24/11 at 2:18pm

Posts: 60
Joined: 19-Feb-10

Mycosynth Lattice+Vulshock Battlemaster+Bludgeon Brawl=Win
Date Posted: Tue May/24/11 at 11:23pm

lin sivvi
Posts: 1608
Joined: 14-Jan-10

I don't understand how my ring of alladin makes for such a bludgeon
Date Posted: Tue May/24/11 at 11:24pm

lin sivvi
Posts: 1608
Joined: 14-Jan-10

Aladdin's Ring
Date Posted: Tue May/24/11 at 11:26pm

lin sivvi
Posts: 1608
Joined: 14-Jan-10

Actaully the most powerful bludgeon of them all. . . other than the mox lotus and gleemax of course

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