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Title: Goblin tunneler
Date Posted: Thu Apr/14/11 at 4:43pm

Posts: 150
Joined: 18-May-10

Ok, when i play claws of valakut to any creature... like 1/1 and i control 5 mountains, then can I tap the goblin tunneler unblockable or not? Please response quickly...
Date Posted: Thu Apr/14/11 at 4:53pm

Posts: 1250
Joined: 31-Aug-09

6/15/2010 The power of the targeted creature is checked both as you target it and as the ability resolves. After the ability resolves, the creature will remain unblockable even if its power becomes greater than 2.
6/15/2010 The ability doesn't grant an ability to the targeted creature. Rather, it affects the game rules and states something that's now true about that creature. After the ability resolves, the creature will remain unblockable for the rest of the turn even if it loses all abilities.

No. But you can make the 1/1 unblockable then give it the aura. After it has the aure it's power is to high and it doesn't work.
Date Posted: Thu Apr/14/11 at 5:48pm

lin sivvi
Posts: 1608
Joined: 14-Jan-10

unless you only had one mountain.

That bugs me, for the longest time people were content with dwarven warrior, but now there is a goblin that is better, I swear they are trying to limit creature types (honestly making an anteater deck was a bitch)

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