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Title: Deck building challenge version 2
Date Posted: Sat Mar/26/11 at 2:48am

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

Since the previous incarnation of the deck building challenge seemed to die.  I thought i would reanimate it in a new form.  So with that...

1) i will post the challenge in a seperate forum each week, and their will only be 1 a week, most likely posted on the weekends. 

2) The challenges will range in differant levels of difficulty, sometimes relying on building around a single card or for a specific format.

3) Any specific rules, such as whats legal, will be posted with the challenge

4) If you have an idea for a challenge please post it in this forum.

5)  I hope everyone posts a deck for each challenge, but I also hope everyone provides some constructive criticism about the decks that are posted, as deck building challenges are a way you can explore and be creative and ultimately grow as a deck builder

so now on to the challenges

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