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Title: Tapping a declared blocker
Date Posted: Mon Dec/01/08 at 5:12pm

Lixo da MTG
Posts: 1
Joined: 08-Aug-08

I was playing Magic with my sister over the holiday, and I am puzzled by something.

She would attack me, and I would declare my blockers. Then she would use Icy Manipulator to tap one of my blockers.

According to her, by tapping my declared blocker, that blocker is no longer capable of blocking, so I must declare another blocker, or just let the attacking creature through.

Is this true? Does tapping a --declared blocker-- remove its ability to block?
Date Posted: Tue Dec/02/08 at 7:48am

Posts: 47
Joined: 28-Sep-07

i am pretty sure the blocker would still block as before - the only difference is that the blocker would be tapped at the end of combat (if it didn't die while blocking). tapping a declared blocker doesn't remove it from combat.
Date Posted: Fri Dec/12/08 at 10:14am

Posts: 424
Joined: 20-Nov-08

Your sister may have started playing a while ago. I believe before the 6th edition rules came out, blockers had to be untapped to actually block. Though it makes cards like Master of Arms worse, I like the new rules, they make the game easier to grasp.
Date Posted: Wed Jan/07/09 at 1:18pm

Posts: 1
Joined: 07-Jan-09

For the record, Im an old school magic player, who would have pulled the same trick your sister did... and assumed it worked that way, But it Doesn't RIGHT? (new rules?) Clarification on this would be AWESOME!

You can still not declare a tapped creature as a blocker though. SO, if she were to do the tapping of your creatures BEFORE you declared blockers then she would be correct.

Date Posted: Tue Jan/20/09 at 2:00pm

Posts: 6
Joined: 08-Jan-09

Date Posted: Wed Jan/28/09 at 1:35am

Posts: 1
Joined: 27-Jan-09

Kay by current rules, the Phases which you are concerned with are:

1) Declare Attack Phase
2) Declare Attackers Phase

During the Declare Attack Phase, priority player (Person's who's turn it is starts with priority) declares instants or abilities they wish to play or passes priority. Which then priority passes to opponent where they may declare instants or abilities. In this phase is where you declare taps effects. Once all spells and effects are resolved here. Player's who's turn it is may decide to enter Declare Attackers Phase.

In Declare Attacker's phase, priority player must first declare attackers. Once attackers are choosen, and tapped, the creatures are in atk mode. there is nothing they can do to be removed from combat unless something specifically says remove them from combat. Untapping them does not remove them from being in atk mode.

ask more questions if you need more clarification.
Date Posted: Wed Feb/04/09 at 4:51pm

Posts: 4
Joined: 02-Feb-09

She would have to use Icy Manipulator to tap target creature before you declare any blockers.

If its done after you declare blockers your creature still blocks but is tapped after combat (given that it is still alive).
Date Posted: Sun Mar/01/09 at 1:00am

Posts: 4
Joined: 01-Mar-09

I remember the rules of the tapping a declared blocker like destroying/sacrificing a declared blocker before the damage step. In order for an interceptor to block, they need to be declared as one. Once declared, anything affecting them afterwards is resolved after the interception therefore making the interceptor block the attacking monster.

the order of the phases are as follows:

Start Attack Phase
Response (if any)
Declare Attacker Phase
Response (if any)
Declare Interceptor/Blocker Phase
Response (if any)
Damage Calculation
Response (if any)
Ending Attack Phase

each sub-phase is resolved before the next starts. Therefore since the response is after the declaration of blockers, the blocker will first block, then be tapped, then take the damage therefore ending the attack phase
Date Posted: Tue Mar/17/09 at 7:08pm

Posts: 12
Joined: 17-Mar-09

she's probably thinking of an "in response" kind of thing, kind of like countering a spell with counterspell, she's attempting to say, Basically, 'im using an instant or ability that works as an instant to do something to your creature as if you hadn't declared the blockers yet'. It's moderately confusing if you dont think outside the box, but it seems a simple enough concept for high school kids to grasp, but for the 20+ Y/O players at Paddy's near my house, they just dont f'n get it.

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