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Title: Quest for the Quest
Date Posted:
Tue Oct/19/10 at 9:34am
Posts: 189
Joined: 16-Aug-10
Zendikar has 1 Ascension, 1 Expedition and 2 Quests of every color, but one is missing: Worldwake doesn't have a white Quest. The Worldwake Quests get there quest counters by different triggered abilities and a spacial number of counters activates a static ability, which relates to the first ability.
So... any ideas for a Quest?
Date Posted:
Tue Oct/19/10 at 10:11pm
Posts: 5711
Joined: 08-Sep-09
Quest for Atlantis...
Date Posted:
Wed Oct/20/10 at 5:37am
Posts: 523
Joined: 24-Feb-10
From looking at the Quest Enchantments, we have the following cycles:
1. Expeditions - these all trigger on Landfall and are then sacrificed for an effect
2. Ascensions - assorted triggers, provide powerful constant effects
3. 'Quest for' cycle 1 - assorted triggers with sacrifice effects
4. 'Quest for' cycle 2 - assorted triggers then act like the Ascensions
White is missing from the last of these. Therefore the new card should be 'Quest for XYZ' and provide a decent static ability once it has enough Quest counters.
Date Posted:
Wed Oct/20/10 at 8:13am
Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09
What about life gain like whenever you gain lif3e get a counter 5 or more counters gain 5 life at up keep
Or what about prevent stop damage a couple times and get 2 damage reduced from a source
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