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Title: Celebration tree?
Date Posted: Mon Dec/24/07 at 2:55pm

Posts: 21
Joined: 25-Sep-07

I saw a "celebration tree" advertised today. What happened to a good old Christmas tree? Who in their right mind would be offended by the term "Christmas Tree"? I hate how offended people are becoming this day-and-age to everything that they possibly can. It's like people don't have enough to do, so they sit around and call companies complaining that they don't like Christmas.

I also hate when people get offended when I wish them a Merry Christmas!!!!!! WTF? Want me to wish you a crappy Christmas? I could care less if you celebrate it or not - If someone told me Happy Hanukkah I'd say Thanks, not get angry. Telling someone Merry Christmas is a GOOD thing, regardless if you celebrate it or not.

I was with a friend who was donating some gifts to the "adopt an angel" thing you see in shopping malls. The cards said "Help share the magic of Christmas!". When she hands the card to my friend, she takes a black permanent marker and marks out the word 'magic'. My friend laughed and asked her why she did that. Her response was that the word 'magic' offends her, and she doesn't approve of it being on the adopt an angel cards... NUTCASE! People like that belong in mental hospitals. Good thing she doesn't play Magic The Gathering, or she'd have to use her permanent marker on every card :P

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