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Title: Intriguing...
Date Posted: Mon Dec/30/13 at 10:46pm

Posts: 1553
Joined: 02-Nov-11

Firstly, I am unsure who will be able to read this, whether it will be everyone or just Sync.
I am impressed by what I have found that you (Sync) have been working on while we have been unawares, not just your latest post but the items and sections that I didn't even think existed.
To all others, Sync has been busy and has numerous things in the workings. I am not, however, about to "Midnight Sun" this discovery. (Forgive the reference, but it seems to be fitting possibility). We will have to wait for the unveiling of these...things.
In short, Sync has not JUST been adding the latest sets and if I read the runes correctly there is much more in the workings than we initially believed, which believe me, is a good thing.

[Edited by Boyachi on 30/Dec/13 at 10:46PM]

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