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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: infinite grimgrin sac (with rooftop storm) Submitted By: xvmileycyrus
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Bladewing's Thrall
Creature - Zombie 2BB 3/3 Scourge, Uncommon

Cloudstone Curio
Artifact 3 Ravnica: City of Guilds, Rare

Grave Scrabbler
Creature - Zombie 3B 2/2 Future Sight, Common

Creature - Zombie 3B 2 / 2 Odyssey, Common

Enchantment 4U New Phyrexia, Rare
Estimated Combo Cost: $1.30
Date Posted: Tue Oct/04/11 at 10:08 pm

Posts: 108
Joined: 29-Sep-11

Play xenograft and pick dragon. hell with these two zombies you don't really need it but you can use xeno if you please. Then play cloudstone and rooftop storm giving your two grave zombies infinite play and return. Each time you play them they will come in as a dragon or without xeno, be able to bring a creature from graveyard to hand. Play thrall and sac it. Then do the infinite play and keep bringing back the thrall, play and sac, reapeat.
Date Posted: Tue Oct/04/11 at 11:14pm

Posts: 2610
Joined: 22-Jan-10

Or the much more simple elemental mastery grim grin or presence of gond grim grin, Cloudstone doesn;'t last a second, it is countered or destroyed instantly
Date Posted: Wed Oct/05/11 at 5:49am

Posts: 157
Joined: 10-Sep-11

So true! Works especially well with presence or mastery+parallel lives or doubling season!
Date Posted: Wed Oct/05/11 at 1:45pm

Posts: 10194
Joined: 26-Oct-09

Rooftop Storm with zombies?

Date Posted: Thu Oct/06/11 at 2:34pm

Posts: 108
Joined: 29-Sep-11

this is just cards i had and saw a combo in it. Cloudstone does last a second if you THROW IN COUNTERS, with enough counters and board control and card search you can pull this off easy.
Date Posted: Thu Oct/06/11 at 3:02pm

Posts: 2610
Joined: 22-Jan-10

Yes. I can counter everyones counterspells and removals. Generally there will be two control decks, and everyone packs artifact removal. It won't last. Unless I can cast three with it It cant last a round
Date Posted: Fri Oct/07/11 at 12:53am

Posts: 108
Joined: 29-Sep-11

actually since gravedigger is in circ, you can have rooftop out and grim grin. Play one gravedigger for free and sac it, then play the other and bring the one in grave back to hand and repeat. Slow but fun and i plan i using it in tournaments. I probably wont win but i bet there is a way to win.

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