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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: All Creatures Hexproof Submitted By: Vilko
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Land Urza's Saga, Common

Enchantment 4U New Phyrexia, Rare
Estimated Combo Cost: $0.32
Date Posted: Fri Aug/19/11 at 5:29 pm

Posts: 22
Joined: 19-Jul-11

"Lord of the Unreal" is the other card (M12).

This is my first combo, so i\\\'ll give it a shot. First get in Xenograft to make all your creatures illusions in addition to their other types, then cast Lord of the Unreal to give all your creatures hexproof and +1/+1.
Date Posted: Fri Aug/19/11 at 5:50pm

Posts: 1148
Joined: 24-May-10

Type II as well :)
Date Posted: Sat Aug/20/11 at 12:18am

Posts: 25
Joined: 20-Oct-10

Adaptive Automaton would be a handy backup to have too
Date Posted: Sat Aug/20/11 at 1:05am

Posts: 1771
Joined: 16-Dec-08 about.... 5 Forests + Ascetism as a back up plan?
Date Posted: Sat Aug/20/11 at 6:33am

Posts: 22
Joined: 19-Jul-11

I like the little +1/+1 bonus that comes with it. Makes Phantasmal Dragon a 6/6 flyer for 4 mana... not bad.
Date Posted: Sat Aug/20/11 at 8:14am

Posts: 1081
Joined: 04-Apr-11

I've never been a big fan of standing behind Lord of the Unreal.  He himself can be targeted and killed rather easily and most Illusion decks really need him to keep everything out and he doesn't fit well in anything else and that +1/+1 really doesn't do much when any targeting spell can kill your 6/6 dragon while Dragonmaster Outcast is pumping out 5/5s that will require serious firepower even if the outcast is killed for effectively one red.

Date Posted: Sat Aug/20/11 at 9:34am

W@W Podcaster
Posts: 445
Joined: 01-Jun-10

You have 1-4 turn(s) to deal with the outcast before he starts making dragons though. With an illusion, you only have one turn before it starts attacking you. The outcast is almost as fragile as a Phantasmal creature. Any removal that your opponent plays on it will kill it.

[Edited by Hungry123 on 20/Aug/11 at 9:35AM]
Date Posted: Sat Aug/20/11 at 2:58pm

Posts: 2788
Joined: 13-Oct-09

I wouldn't say that the outcast is just a fraglie as a phantasmal since the outcast won't be killed by a boost like giant growth,  and its not like a requirement to play him turn 1.  However, if lord is out the outcast is alot easier of the two to deal with since it will only require 1 card to remove as opposed to 2.

But the beauty of this combo, is with xenograft out the lord is alot harder to deal with since he has hexproof and +1/+1 as well, as well as all of your other creatures.  And like any lord he might only be good in illusion decks, but since you are running blue you can develop an decent arrgo-control deck
Date Posted: Sat Aug/20/11 at 6:52pm

Posts: 22
Joined: 19-Jul-11

So is this a decent combo? It's my first one and I want to know how I did.. lol
Date Posted: Sat Aug/20/11 at 7:34pm

Posts: 1771
Joined: 16-Dec-08

Overall I'm gonna go with yes, it's a pretty good combo.
Date Posted: Sun Aug/21/11 at 12:20pm

Posts: 10194
Joined: 26-Oct-09

I second the notion.
Date Posted: Sun Aug/21/11 at 6:20pm

Posts: 377
Joined: 06-Feb-11

I third the second of the notion.
Date Posted: Mon Aug/22/11 at 12:24pm

Posts: 1081
Joined: 04-Apr-11

I think you should take the Island out.  ;)

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